Total Swap Space Size Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryTotal Swap Space Size using WMI Module data SELECT TotalSwapSpaceSize from win32_operatingsystem
License Activation Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryThis module lets you know whether you have to activate your Windows license or not (0 = No ; 1= Yes) Module data SELECT ActivationRequired FROM Win32_WindowsProductActivation
Free Virtual Memory Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the amount of free virtual memory in the system Module data SELECT FreeVirtualMemory FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
Free Physical Memory Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the amount of free physical memory in the system Module data SELECT FreePhysicalMemory FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
CPU Model Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the CPU model using WMI Module data SELECT Name FROM Win32_Processor
Computer Domain Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplay the Domain the machine belongs to Module data SELECT Domain FROM Win32_ComputerSystem