This local plugin module for Unix agents will give you a string data module with a snapshot of running processes, including CPU, MEMORY and system stats, as resulting from TOP command, very useful to catch the whole system status in a single snapshot. Use for 4.0.3...
Este script te escribe todas las interfaces configuradas en la máquina junto con la IP asignada a dicha interfaz. Module data module_begin module_name Interfaces de red module_type generic_data_string module_crontab * 5-7 * * 0 # Ejecuta todos los domingos entre las 5...
This Pandora FMS module, used as script, allow to get individual CPU usage for each specified process. This is done by a small script written in VBscript which ask several WMI sources to get a value, used as percentage for individual CPU Usage for a given process....
This is a manual which helps you to monitor AIX based devices using Pandora FMS. Module data 1. CPU System module_begin module_name CPU System module_type generic_data module_exec vmstat 1 2 | tail 1 | awk ‘{ print $15 }’ | tr d “n” module_max 100...
Several scripts packaged in a ZIP file to be used as local modules in Linux and Unix hosts, to get several metrics: BlockedIOQueue CPUUsage DiskAvgQueueLength DiskPhysIORate DiskUsagePeak MemUsage NetColPct NetOutQueueLength NetPktRate NFSCallRate PageOutByteRate...
Monitors the NTPD process status Module data module_begin module_name NTP Process module_type generic_data module_exec ps e | grep ntpd | wc l | tr d ” ” | tr d “n” module_description Returns the number of instances of NTPD process ...