Monitor % capacity of the zpool list

This module reports the % capacity of zfs zpool as returned by zpool list. Creates modules for all local zpools. Requires the local Pandora agent installed.  Requires the zpool command and perl. Copy the plugin script (see below) to the folder...

Agente Linux Automatico con Speedtest

El modulo es un script de auto instalación del agente de PandoraFMS con un solo comando el mismo soporta las siguientes distribuciones de Linux CentOS 7 CentOS8 Debian 9.x y superior Ubuntu 18.x y superior Raspbian 9.x (RaspBerry Pi) Raspberry OS 10 (RaspBerry Pi)...

Policy Basic Linux Monitoring enterprise

Policy with local checks to monitor: CentOS RedHat Debian SUSE Includes: Bytes per second (Received) Bytes per second (Sent) I/O Lock Load average Port 22 Open (SSH) Total processes Uptime A plugin to dinamically monitor disks (pandora_df_used) A plugin to dinamically...

Debian Linux Pending Updates

You can check if you have pending updates and pending security updates. Add module data to your /etc/pandorafms/pandora_agent.conf Module data # System Pending Updates module_begin module_name System Pending Updates module_type generic_data module_exec apt-get upgrade...

SSH Launcher

Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. Plugin for remote command execution via ssh connection. Package...

Linux Monitoring Manual

This is a manual which helps you to monitor Linux/Unix based devices using Pandora FMS. Module data 1. CPU Free This module returns the free CPU percentage. The syntax for the module would be this: module_begin module_name CPU Free module_type generic_data module_exec...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior