Active Directory enterprise

Plugin for Active Directory monitoring. See all the metrics that are obtained from the execution of the plugin in its documentation. Documentation online EN: Active Directory EN ES:  Active Directory ES Only enterprise users can view the download links....

Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. #!/bin/bash # Cor van Wandelen # percentage memory used on VMware host if [...

Status of any Linux service

Status of any Linux service This simple module checks if specified service exists and is active. It returns strings based on presence in the system and service activity.   Apache2 example module_begin module_name apache2_Status module_type generic_data_string...

OTRS integration plugin

This Pandora FMS plugin allows you to create and update tickets in OTRS using alerts and event’s responses. Find all the documentation and plugin below: Pandora_OTRS ES Integración OTRS EN OTRS Integration

Hadoop Monitoring enterprise

Plugin for hadoop cluster monitoring. The cluster prototype is a Namenode and its Datanodes. This plugin consults the Namenode, obtains its metrics and afterwards checks which Datanodes depend on it and its metrics too. All possible customizable metrics can be...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior