IPMI Agent Plugins

These plugins provide modules for each of the sensors from IPMI. They set Warning and Critical Status based on the thresholds provided by IPMI. The Module Group can also be specified. For Unix systems the freeipmi package must be installed. The IPMI information can be...

JVM Performance

There is an utility from Sun (now Oracle :-D) that may help you (check that is installed in your system, command jps: http://java.sun.com/performance/jvmstat/  Usage: http://java.sun.com/performance/jvmstat/solaris.html  If you make it work…:), adding it to the...


This requires to develop a kind of agent plugin or script which collects information directly from server, after setup the java enviroment. Information about this is described here: http://php.ptagis.org/wiki/index.php/Monitor_Weblogic_through_the_command_line Module...

Vmware Server 2.x virtual machine

Monitoring of a running vmware image in the server with a specific name (Geminon in this sample). Note that this is not for ESX, only for VmWare Server 2.x and 1.x. You need to define the name of each virtual machine you want to monitor. Module data module_begin ...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior