MongoDB simple local monitoring

These are a collection of local modules for monitoring Mongodb from outside, with a software agent. Module data module_begin  module_name MongoDB_Status  module_type generic_proc  module_exec ps aux | grep mongod | grep -v grep | wc -l  module_end  module_begin ...


Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. This is an agent plugin for monitoring Oracle. Tested on Linux and Solaris....

PostgreSQL plugin

Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. Este fichero escrito en Perl proporciona datos estadísticos generales de un...

Remote SQL Oracle

Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. This plugin can execute remote queries for oracle databases. You can find all...

SQL Server performance plugin

SQL Server performance plugin This is a vbs plugin to fetch the performance metrics from a SQL Server. To install it: 1. Create the directory “%Program Files%pandora_agentplugins” if needed. 2. Download the file “sqlserver_plugin.vbs”. 3. Copy...


This is an agent local plugin to extract information from a ODBC source in a Windows server using native SQL format. Module data ODBC Local Plugin for Pandora FMS This VBS Local Plugin reads a configuration file, which defines the module name, System DSN Name, user,...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior