McAfee Antivirus

Check (in Spanish): – Version of Engine & DAT files – 6 types of On Access Scan All is doing by a .bat to check path of installation and date of today. You must copy file on “%ProgramFiles%\pandora_agent\util\av-pre_oas.bat” and run at...

Samba file stat

Module data This plugin allows you to determine various properties of a file on a Windows shared drive: – Existence – Days since last modified – Days since last changed (probably not what you want) – Size in bytes This can be used, for example,...

Asterisk Clock deviation

This show a % of clock adjustement using dahdi_test command. Should be always on 99.x % Module data module_begin  module_name InternalClock_Deviation  module_type generic_data  module_exec dahdi_test -c 5 | grep -o “Worst\: [0-9]*\.[0-9]*” | awk ‘{...

HTTP view

Module data Permite conectarse al agente, desde la vista detalla del agente, por HTTP. Por ejemplo, si tenemos, un gateway de voz o un PBX, y falla algún módulo, nos podrías conectar a él directamente desde la consola. Es una modificación de la extensión, VNC, pero...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior