Packet loss monitoring plugin

This remote plugin, for plugin server, uses ping command on Flood mode to see if there is a packet loss. Normal output should be 0% of packet loss. It comes by default with 5.1 SP1 version, but could be used on any Pandora FMS version. Module data Parameters:...

ModBus monitoring plugin

Generic Modbus Query plugin Pandora FMS Server plugin. Requirements This plugin requires mbtools from and python. -p Modbus port (by default 22)  -t Hostname / Target IP Address  -c Query Commnand from mbtool documentation  Samples: ...

Remote SMTP monitoring

This remote plugin send an email and return 1 if successful or 0 if not. It support MTA Auth, and custom PORT. Usage Usage: -h SMTP Server IP address -d Destination email -f Email of the sender Optional parameters -a Authentication system, could be LOGIN, PLAIN,...

Unix Blocked IO Queue

This script show Blocked IO Queue in all Unix systems. Module data module_begin module_name Blocked IO Queue module_type generic_data module_exec Pandora_Script_Perf_Blocked IO module_end Files:...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior