You are just a few clicks away from your trial of Pandora ITSM

Fully functional trial version FREE for 30 days.

Pandora ITSM has all the features businesses need to streamline their workflows, serve more customers and deliver better experiences at scale.

We do not ask for payment details and there is no obligation to subscribe at the end of the trial… Start today!

On-Premise Installation

CentOS7 RPM package
Tarball package

Cloud Installation


Ubuntu 22.04: curl -SsL | bash


Redhat 8 / Rocky 8: curl -SsL | bash

We recommend that you contact us for a demo of everything you can do with Integria IMS and save time in your evaluation.

If you’re ready, now is a good time to consider taking a look at our different plans so you can get the most out of your Enterprise version.

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