Pandora FMS Resources

Look for instructions, resources and answers to common questions

Get full access to in-depth documentation & community insights for a better and smoother monitoring.

📖 Recommended whitepapers on studies and topics of interest

Towards secure monitoring

Security Report

The data flowing through monitoring systems is the most important asset

Infraestructure logs

Infra. logs

The key to solving the new compliance, security and business questions

Log collection

Log collection

An essential component in maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace

Strategy and tips

Strategy & Tips

The importance of minimizing possible packet losses in all your networks

Best security practices

Alert reports

A robust approach for defining alerts in complex technology environments

📂 Downloadable documentation and guides

PDF Product Sheet
Brochure with everything our software has to offer
Download →
PDF How to report a bug
A brief guide on how to report a bug, and how our support process works
Download →
PDF Pandora FMS Architecture
Detailed description of Pandora FMS architecture
Download →
PDF Pandora FMS breaks with the norm
Discover why it is a better monitoring solution than the ones offered by the Big Four companies
Download →
PDF System Security Permanent Monitoring
Brochure explaining our security-related functionalities
Download →

🌐 Online links of interest

Pandora FMS User Manual

User manual

Get comprehensive instructions on installing, configuring, and using Pandora FMS to monitor your IT infrastructure.

Pandora FMS Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base

Find answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and best practices for using Pandora FMS.

Pandora FMS Quick Guides

Quick Guides

Access step-by-step instructions for common Pandora FMS tasks to get you started quickly and smoothly.

link FAQ Visit page →
link Plugins library Visit page →
link Features Map Visit page →
link SAP Monitoring Visit page →
link Security architecture Visit page →
link Releases Visit page →
link Changelogs Visit page →
link IT Topics Visit page →
link Youtube Channel Visit page →
link Pandora FMS: License Comparison Visit page →