Support and Knowledge Base

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Integria IMS allows the management of a Knowledge Base (BC). Its purpose is to keep useful information organized in articles that belong to a certain product, to a category, and so on.

Knowledge Base

To access the list of articles that make up the knowledge base:

We can access both the list and the management of the articles. To facilitate your search we have a filter by text, product, category or language.

The list of articles shows us information that the article contains as well as other information of interest such as the date of publication, its category or its evaluation. You can also:

  • Edit each article by clicking the pencil icon.
  • Or remove it,by clicking the trash can icon.


Categories are a way of classifying knowledge base articles. In the 'Categories' section we can see the list of them and the details: associated icon, name, category on which it depends (if any), its description, the number of articles assigned to that category and the option to delete.

The creation/editing of categories is very simple.

Product Types

Another way to narrow the rank of a knowledge base article is to reference a specific product. In the 'Types of Products' section we will find a list of them together with their details: icon, name, description and the number of items that have that product assigned. We also have the option to remove products.

Creating/editing products is very easy.

Creating Knowledge Base Articles

Once the corresponding categories and products have been created, the articles that will form our knowledge base can be created. In the 'Browse' section you can view the list of articles

Go into detail:

In this view you can also value the article:

In the article list view we can also create new articles.

Another way to create knowledge base articles is through ticket resolution. This relationship allows, for example, saving the resolution of a problem to consult it later and avoid opening a new ticket.

When a ticket changes its status to Closed, a dialog will be displayed allowing us to add the content of that ticket to the knowledge base.

Selecting Add to BC will open the article creation form with the ticket data preloaded.

Access Management

The Knowledge Base section is accessible by all users who have the appropriate permissions in their profile, but in order to further limit access to the content, Integria IMS allows you to manage the visibility of your BC articles by Product and Group .

For example, we want articles belonging to the product 'Hard Drives' to only be visible by the 'VIP Support - Customer XXX' Group.

In the Access Management section we can consult and manage group access to certain products.

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