Support and Downloads

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Integria IMS has a centralized Download environment, which allows the distribution of files and software releases to its customers and users. All Downloads items must belong to a Category, which may be related to a group. This allows access control of different users. Also, Downloads are categorized into Folders.

The first thing we will do is manage Folders and Categories.


Download files are grouped into folders. To view the list, click on DownloadsFolders. From this section we can also create new folders.

To create a new folder, we'll give it a name, icon, description, and whether it has a root folder.


All the elements that make up a folder have to belong to a category, which means that we will have to have them created before. To do this, click on DownloadsDownload Categories and access the view of the different categories that we have configured. From this same section we can create new categories by clicking on the Create button.

On the new screen, we'll give the new category a name and assign an icon to it. Click on Create to save the changes. In this way, we are adding all the categories to which each of the folders in our system will belong.


When we access the Browse section of the Downloads menu we will see a list with the different Folders.

To add new items, just select Add Files and a view like this will be displayed.

Where you can select any of the files that are in the repository, or select a file from another location with the option Search by file. Once the file has been selected by either of the two possible paths, a new dialog will be displayed where we will select the category to which the file belongs, its folder and if we want to generate a public link. Through this link you can access the download of the file without having to be logged in.

Access Management

The objective of this section is to relate the categories that we have created within Downloads, with the different groups configured in the Integria IMS system.

In this way, we achieve a folder access control system, since an element that belongs to a category is assigned a set of groups (one or more) that define the users who may or may not have access to said element.

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