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With this plugin you can monitor a Windows Printing Server.


  • Print Service Status
  • Printers
  • X’s Printer Status
  • Printers on Idle
  • Printers printing
  • Printers stopped
  • Printers have been stopped
  • Percentage of printers stopped
  • Ports of x printer
  • Jobs for all spoolers
  • Jobs for x’s spoole
  • Pages printed for x’s spooler
  • Pages printed for all spoolers
  • Jobs waiting > 15 min
  • List of jobs waiting >15 min
  • Jobs on error
  • List of jobs on error:
  • Jobs paused
  • List of jobs paused

Only enterprise users can view the download links.

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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior