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Update in: 19 October 2023


Following is the module list the plugin retrieves from a Tomcat server:

  • [<APPNAME>] Status]
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] processingTime
  • [<APPNAME>] Sessions]
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] maxTime
  • [“http-nio-1009”] maxThreads
  • [workers] Current requests
  • [“http-nio-1009”] currentThreadsBusy
  • [workers] Current BytesReceived
  • [“http-nio-1009”] currentThreadCount
  • [workers] Current BytesSent
  • [“http-nio-1009”] Threading usage
  • [Memory] Heap usage
  • [“http-nio-1009”] bytesReceived
  • [Memory] Heap committed
  • [“http-nio-1009”] bytesSent
  • [Memory] Non-Heap used
  • [“http-nio-1009”] processingTime
  • [Memory] Non-Heap committed
  • [“http-nio-1009”] maxTime
  • [Memory] Non-Heap max
  • [“http-nio-1009”] errorCount
  • [Code Cache] Pool usage
  • [“http-nio-1009”] requestCount
  • [Code Cache] Pool commited
  • [workers] Current requests
  • [Metaspace] Pool usage
  • [workers] Current BytesReceived
  • [Metaspace] Pool commited
  • [workers] Current BytesSent
  • [Compressed Class Space] Pool usage
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] maxThreads
  • [Compressed Class Space] Pool commited
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] currentThreadsBusy
  • [PS Eden Space] Pool usage
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] currentThreadCount
  • [PS Eden Space] Pool commited
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] Threading usage
  • [PS Survivor Space] Pool usage
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] bytesReceived
  • [PS Survivor Space] Pool commited
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] bytesSent
  • [PS Old Gen] Pool usage
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] errorCount
  • [PS Old Gen] Pool commited
  • [“ajp-nio-8909”] requestCount


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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior