Exchange mail enterprise

Exchange mail Plugin with which you can filter emails and the number of emails that match the filters used. Ver. 21-03-2023 Plugin with which you can filter emails and the number of emails that match the filters used. Type: Server plug-in   ES:  Exchange Mail ES EN:...

Policy FortiMail enterprise

Enterprise policy with SNMP modules for Fortinet secure email gateway. This policy provides following modules: FortiMail fmlMailOptionsDeferQueue fmlSysCpuUsage fmlSysLoad fmlSysLogDiskUsage fmlSysMailDiskUsage fmlSysMemUsage Files: Only enterprise users can view the...

Imap mail Plugin

Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. This plugin monitoring emails of Imap server received, from a data filtering...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior