This plugin do several tasks:
- Server response check, given a URL, host and port. Also, matching using a regex to verify a correct answer.
- Process information. Report status (if it’s running and active), total instances, total memory used by all the instances, and CPU usage for all instances.
- Information about a given fileystem.
- This plugin could parse error logfile and return log information to Pandora FMS.
- Performance information of the Apache HTTP Server. It uses server-status module (you need to have this enabled), reporting several modules:
- Apache restart time
- Apache server uptime
- Apache accesses
- Apache CPU Load
- Apache CPU User load
- Apache CPU System Load
- Apache Request per second
- Apache Bytes per second
- Apache KB per request
- Apache Request currently
- Apache Idle Workers
This plugin has it’s own configuration file, where you can define all these checks.
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