This is a manual which helps you to monitor Solaris based devices using Pandora FMS.
Module data
1. CPU User
This module returns the percentage of CPU occupied by user processes.The syntax for the modules would be this:
module_begin module_name CPU User module_type generic_data module_exec vmstat 1 2 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $20 }' | tr -d “n” module_max 100 module_min 0 module_description CPU (%) used by user module_end
2. CPU System
This module returns the percentage of CPU occupied by system processes. The syntax for the module would be this:
module_begin module_name CPU System module_type generic_data module_cpuusage all module_max 100 module_min 0 module_description CPU (%) used by system module_end
3. Process Running
The module searchs if as specific process is running. The module syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Process Running xxx module_type generic_proc module_service xxx module description Procces xxx Running module_end
We should replace xxx by the specific process that we want to monitor.
4. Physical Free Memory
The module returns the percentage of free physical memory. The module syntax will be the following:
module_begin module_name Physical Free Memory module_type generic_data module_freepercentmemory module_description Porcentaje Memoria física libre module_end
5. Used space
The module returns the percentage of ocuppied directory, the syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Used space xxx module_type generic_data module_occupiedpercentdisk /xxx module_description % Directorio ocupado module_end
We should change xxx by the volume to monitor.
6. Number processes
It returns the number of processes that are running in the machine. The module syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Number processes module_type generic_data module_exec ps -e | wc -l | tr -d "n" | tr -d " " module_description Number processes module_end
7. Zombie processes
It returns the number of zombie processes. The syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Zombie processes module_type generic_data module_exec ps -el | awk '$2~/"Z"/{print $2}' | wc -l | tr -d "n" | tr -d " " module_description Zombie processes module_end
8. Process memory
The module returns the percentage of memory in use by one process. The syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Process memory xxx module_type generic_data module_memproc xxx module_description % used memory of process module_end
We should change xxx by the process to monitor.
9. Process CPU
The module returns the percentage of CPU used by one process. The syntax is the following:
module_begin module_name Process CPU xxx module_type generic_data module_cpuproc xxx module_description % CPU used by process module_end
We change xxx by the process to monitor
10. NTPD Instances
The module returns the number of instances of the ntpd process that are running.
module_begin module_name NTPD Instances module_type generic_data module_exec ps -Af | grep ntpd | grep -v "grep" | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d "n" module_description Instancias NTPD en ejecución module_end