Update in: 21 June 2019
This policy provides following modules:
- .NET CLR Memory % Time in GC
- .NET CLR Memory Gen 0 Collections
- .NET CLR Memory Gen 1 Collections
- .NET CLR Memory Gen 2 Collections
- AppHostSvc Service
- ASP.NET Applications Requests
- ASP.NET Request Execution Time
- ASP.NET Request Wait Time
- ASP.NET Requests Current
- ASP.NET Requests Queued
- ASP.NET Requests Rejected
- Avg. Disk Read Queue Length
- Avg. Disk Write Queue Length
- Cache Async Fast Reads
- Cache Read Aheads
- Current Disk Queue Length
- FIMService Service
- FIMSynchronizationService Service
- IISADMIN Service
- Logical Disk Free Space
- Logical Disk Idle Time
- Logical Disk Read
- Logical Disk Read Bytes
- Logical Disk Write Bytes
- Logical Disk Writes
- Memory Available MBytes
- Memory Cache Faults
- Memory Page Faults
- Memory Page Reads
- Memory Page Writes
- Memory Pages
- Network Interface Bytes Received
- Network Interface Bytes Sent
- Network Interface Bytes Total
- Network Interface Packets Received
- Network Interface Packets Sent
- OSearch15 Service
- Paging File % Usage
- Paging File % Usage Peak
- Physical Disk Reads
- Physical Disk Writes
- Process Processor Time
- Process Thread Count
- Process Working Set
- Processor Time
- SPTimerV4 Service
- SQLServer Batch Requests
- SQLServer Buffer cache hit ratio
- SQLServer Cache Hit Ratio
- SQLServer Cache Object Counts
- SQLServer Cache Objects in use
- SQLServer Cache Pages
- SQLServer Connection
- SQLServer Database Active Transactions
- SQLServer Database Tracked Transactions
- SQLServer Database Transactions
- SQLServer Database Write Transactions
- SQLServer Lock Requests
- SQLServer Lock Timeouts
- SQLServer Lock Wait Time
- SQLServer Lock Waits
- SQLServer Locks Average Wait Time
- SQLServer Logical Connections
- SQLServer Number of Deadlocks
- SQLServer Re-Compilations
- SQLServer SQL Compilations
- SQLServer Total Latch Wait Time
- SQLServer Transactions
- SQLServer User Connections
- W3SVC Service
- WAS Service
Only enterprise users can view the download links.
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