Update in: 25 June 2019
How do I measure the performance of my database?
Since Pandora FMS 7.0NG 707 is distributed with the OpenSource server a utility to measure the performance of your MySQL server.
With this utility you can analyze:
Database performance:
- CPU ops / ms: CPU operations per ms
- DB INSERT / s: Data insertion capacity (queries per second)
- DB UPDATE / s: Data update capacity (queries per second)
- DB SELECT / s: Data selection capacity (queries per second)
- DB DELETE / s: Data deletion capacity (queries per second)
Analysis of the main tables of Pandora FMS:
- Agent table
- Module table
- Data table
- String data table
- Event table
- Access stats
- Audit information
Analysis of the capacity of your Pandora FMS installation:
- Agents per second: Number of XML files that Pandora FMS is capable of processing.
- Modules per second: Number of modules that the MySQL database is capable of processing.
- Max agents: Maximum capacity of agents that your server should be able to monitor.
- Max modules: Maximum number of monitors you can display (to be distributed among all your agents)
To execute it start:
perl /usr/share/pandora_server/util/pandora_perf_report /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf
Download it: /library/files_repository/pandora_perf_report.zip
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