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Update in: 20 July 2021


This plug-in is used to monitor devices registered in Mist Cloud.
It connects to the Mist cloud service to get data about registered zones and devices and sends this data to the Pandora FMS server from which it has been executed.

It will create an agent for each zone configured on Mist Cloud organization, each one with the following modules:

Module name Description
Total devices connected Total devices connected
Total devices not connected Total devices not in “connected” status
[device_type]_[device_name]_[device_MAC] IP: [device_ip]. Status: [device_status]

A module will be created for each device that has each zone configured in the Mist Cloud, of boolean type and will be in “OK” status whenever its status is “connected”.




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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior