Check (in Spanish):
– Version of Engine & DAT files
– 6 types of On Access Scan
All is doing by a .bat to check path of installation and date of today.
You must copy file on “%ProgramFiles%\pandora_agent\util\av-pre_oas.bat” and run at start logon, after that it creates a 2nd file (av-oas.bat) with something like this:
grep -a 26/08/2009 "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\McAfee\DesktopProtection\OnAccessScanLog.txt"
Module data
module_begin module_name AV - Ver. Motor/Engine module_type generic_data_string module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "del motor" | gawk -F"=" "{print $2}" | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description Antivirus Versión del motor module_end
module_begin module_name AV - Ver. DAT module_type generic_data_string module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "DAT del antivirus" | gawk -F"=" "{print $2}" | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description Antivirus Versión DAT del antivirus module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Tiempo module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "tiempo de espera" | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - No analizados (se agotó el tiempo de espera del análisis) module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Cifrados module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep cifrado | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - No analizados (el archivo está cifrado) module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Fallo al limpiar module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "fallo al limpiar" | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - No se ha tomado ninguna medida (fallo al limpiar) module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Eliminados module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "Eliminado(s)" | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - Archivos eliminados module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Troyanos module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep "(Troyano)" | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - Troyanos module_end
module_begin module_name AV - OAS - Virus module_type generic_proc module_exec av-oas.bat | grep virus | grep -v Antivirus | grep -v antivirus | wc -l | tr -d " " | tr -d \t module_description OAS - Virus module_end
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