This modules returns current throughtput on Disk, based on systat package. This sample is for /dev/sda. You need to install systat package. Module data module_begin module_name IO Sda Read/sec module_type generic_data module_exec iostat -k | grep sda | awk ‘{...
This gets the IOStat from a Linux, using sysstat tools. Module data module_begin module_name IO_Cpu module_type generic_data module_exec iostat -c | tail -2 | head -1 | awk ‘{ print $4 }’ module_description IOStat, obtained with package sysstat ...
This modules sums the RSS (real) memory used for several processes with the same name (instances), p.e: This is used to sum all memory used by PHP exectutions in a server Module data module_begin module_name php5_memory_sum module_type generic_data module_exec ps...
Simple approach to IO/Wait monitoring. Excellent article about this at Module data module_begin module_name Disk_IO_Wait module_type generic_data module_exec top -n 3 -c |...
This module gets BIOS Version with a software agent using dmidecode command Module data module_begin module_name Bios Version module_type generic_string module_exec dmidecode -t bios | grep Version | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ module_description BIOS version ...
Transfer per second on a physical device “sda “. More information can be obtained using the iostat command. Module data module_begin module_name TransferPerSec_SDA module_type generic_data module_exec iostat | grep “sda ” | awk ‘{ print...