This module returns the percentage of CPU occupied by user processes Module data module_begin module_name CPU User module_type generic_data module_exec vmstat 1 2 | tail 1 | awk ‘{ print $20 }’ | tr d “n” module_max 100 module_min 0 ...
It returns the consume percentage, pid and name of the process that is consume more than the 90% of the CPU Module data module_begin module_name Processes high CPU (%, PID, name) module_type generic_data_string module_exec core=$(nproc) && ps -eo...
This simple module gives you opened handles in your SO, by using lsof tool (usually installed or available in the SO addons). Could be easily modified to search on a given process or user only. Module data module_begin module_name Handles module_type generic_data ...
Show info distribution on Unix systems Module data module_begin module_name Distribution info module_type generic_data_string module_exec lsb_release -a | grep Description | awk ‘{print $2$3$4$5$6}’ module_description Show info system distribution ...
Show kernel version system info Module data module_begin module_name Kernel Info module_type generic_data_string module_exec uname -a | awk ‘{print $1″ “$3}’, module_description Show kernel version info ...
Show inode tables of a Unix service Module data module_begin module_name Service Inode module_type generic_data module_exec stat /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon | grep Nod | awk ‘{print $4}’ module_description Show inode tables of a Unix service ...