Computer System Description Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categorySELECT Description FROM Win32_ComputerSystem Module data Displays the computer System description
Windows Admin Password Status Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryReturns the status of the Windows Admin password: 1 is set. Module data SELECT AdminPasswordStatus FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Windows Temp Directory Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryReturn the Path of the Windows Temp Directory Module data SELECT TempDirectory FROM Win32_BootConfiguration
BIOS Serial Number Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the BIOS Serial Number using WMI Module data SELECT SerialNumber FROM Win32_BIOS
BIOS Status Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the BIOS Status using WMI Module data SELECT Status FROM Win32_BIOS
BIOS Manufacturer Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryModule data SELECT Manufacturer FROM Win32_BIOS