Pandora FMS plugin for IBM HMC systems retrieves a full scan of the managed systems, LPARs and virtual IO devices defined in the environment. It also builds relationships, mapping each item with its parent. The modules provided with this plugins are: Managed System...
This is a manual which helps you to monitor AIX based devices using Pandora FMS. Module data 1. CPU System module_begin module_name CPU System module_type generic_data module_exec vmstat 1 2 | tail 1 | awk ‘{ print $15 }’ | tr d “n” module_max 100...
Monitors the NTPD process status Module data module_begin module_name NTP Process module_type generic_data module_exec ps e | grep ntpd | wc l | tr d ” ” | tr d “n” module_description Returns the number of instances of NTPD process ...
Module that returns the number of processes running in the machine. Module data module_begin module_name Number processes module_type generic_data module_exec ps e | wc l | tr d ” ” | tr d “n” module_description Total number of...
The module returns the percentage of occupied directory. Module data module_begin module_name Disk used xxx module_type generic_data module_occupiedpercentdisk /xxx module_description % Disk used module_end