With this Plug-in you can monitor DB2 databases, either local or remote, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. DB2 Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor DB2 databases, either local or remote, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery”...
With this Plug-in you can monitor nodes, pods and deployments of a Kubernetes environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. KUBERNETES Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor nodes, pods and deployments of a Kubernetes environment, through...
Xenserver With this Plug-in you can monitor virtual machines and storage repositories of a Xenserver environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. XENSERVER Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor virtual machines and storage repositories of...
With this Plug-in you can monitor virtual machines, ESX and Datastores of a Vmware environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. VMWARE Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor virtual machines, ESX and Datastores of a Vmware environment,...
With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of a Google cloud environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. GOOGLE CLOUD Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of a Google cloud environment, through the...
AZURE With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of an Azure environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. AZURE CLOUD Ver. 5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of an Azure environment, through the PandoraFMS...