Several local modules in Linux for doing a general MySQL monitoring using the SQL/CLI tool. This could be done in any OS (adapting commands), just using the Pandora FMS agent.
Active threads module_begin module_name Mysql_Threads module_description Mysql Threads module_type generic_data module_exec mysqladmin status -u root -pxxxx | grep -o "Threads: [0-9]*" | awk '{ print $2 }' module_end SQL Queries module_begin module_name Mysql_Questions module_description Mysql Questions module_type generic_data_inc module_exec mysqladmin status -u root -pxxxx | grep -o "Questions: [0-9]*" | awk '{ print $2 }' module_end SQL Open (DB) module_begin module_name Mysql_Opens module_description Mysql Opens module_type generic_data_inc module_exec mysqladmin status -u root -pxxxx | grep -o "Opens: [0-9]*" | awk '{ print $2 }' module_end SQL Open (Table access) module_begin module_name Mysql_OpenTables module_description Mysql Opened tables module_type generic_data module_exec mysqladmin status -u root -pxxxx | grep -o "Open tables: [0-9]*" | awk '{ print $3 }' module_end SQL Queries per second module_begin module_name Mysql_QPS module_description Mysql Queries per second module_type generic_data module_exec mysqladmin status -u root -pxxxx | grep -o "Queries per second avg: [.0-9]*" | awk '{ print $5 }' module_end MySQL process (mysqld) CPU usage (%) module_begin module_name Mysql_CPU module_description Mysql CPU usage (%) module_type generic_data module_exec ps aux | grep "mysqld --basedir" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{ print $3 }' module_end MySQL Process (mysqld) RAM usage (%) module_begin module_name Mysql_RAM module_description Mysql RAM usage (%) module_type generic_data module_exec ps aux | grep "mysqld --basedir" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{ print $4 }' module_end
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