DRBD Monitoring

List of modules to monitor DRBD For more details on how to obtain these modules, see the article DRBD monitoring, available in Spanish and English, in our blog. https://blog.pandorafms.org/monitorizacion-drbd-2/ Module data % Use filesystem . Percentage of use of the...

Basic MySQL Monitoring on Linux

Several local modules in Linux for doing a general MySQL monitoring using the SQL/CLI tool. This could be done in any OS (adapting commands), just using the Pandora FMS agent. Modules Active threads  module_begin  module_name Mysql_Threads  module_description Mysql...

System load average

Average load on CPU (per 5min). This is the average number of process running at the same time in the CPU. Module module_begin  module_name AvgLoad_5min  module_exec uptime | awk ‘{ print $11 }’ | tr -d “,”  module_type generic_data ...

NUT UPS monitoring

Use these modules to create modules for each value. Explore output (it depends on each model of UPS) with: upsc myups@localhost And rewrite modules as your own criteria. Module data module_begin  module_name UPS Online  module_type generic_proc  module_exec upsc...

Printer inventory (Windows, Local)

This LOCAL inventory module, executed as plugin will report the printers in the server (both, local and remote). Create a “printer” inventory plugin for Windows, using this header: Name;Type Execute the module as a plugin, like this example: module_plugin...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior