List of modules to monitor DRBD For more details on how to obtain these modules, see the article DRBD monitoring, available in Spanish and English, in our blog. Module data % Use filesystem . Percentage of use of the...
Several local modules in Linux for doing a general MySQL monitoring using the SQL/CLI tool. This could be done in any OS (adapting commands), just using the Pandora FMS agent. Modules Active threads module_begin module_name Mysql_Threads module_description Mysql...
Average load on CPU (per 5min). This is the average number of process running at the same time in the CPU. Module module_begin module_name AvgLoad_5min module_exec uptime | awk ‘{ print $11 }’ | tr -d “,” module_type generic_data ...
Use these modules to create modules for each value. Explore output (it depends on each model of UPS) with: upsc myups@localhost And rewrite modules as your own criteria. Module data module_begin module_name UPS Online module_type generic_proc module_exec upsc...
This LOCAL inventory module, executed as plugin will report the printers in the server (both, local and remote). Create a “printer” inventory plugin for Windows, using this header: Name;Type Execute the module as a plugin, like this example: module_plugin...