3ware Modelo Controladora

Modelo de contraladora 3ware https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/FIOgroup/Tw_cli Module data module_begin  module_name Controladora 3ware  module_exec /usr/bin/tw_cli show | awk ‘{print $2}’  module_description Modelo de contraladora 3ware  module_type...

Website Monitor

Module data This plugin uses curl to fetch the data or performance metrics from a website. By default it follows the redirections the server may send back. By default it classifies all modules under the group “General”. By default all module names begin...

Flash Streaming monitoring

Module data Plugin to monitor FLASH STREAMING. It supports rtmpe, rtmp, and http streaming, always based on FLV streaming. This plugin doesn’t work with RTP, RTSP, UDP Multicasting or other streaming systems. Files:...

Remote WMI Plugin

Module data This plugin can show the information of % memory usage, % disk or filesystem usage and % total CPU of windows system through remote WMI Normally with WMI queries, we only can get the free size in bytes or % 1 processor usage, but with this plugin we can...

S.M.A.R.T status

Do a S.M.A.R.T status test with smartctl tool on all the system’s disks and create a module for each. To use it, save it with name “smart_status” on plugins folder on pandora agent, and add the following line on the configuration file: module_plugin...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior