Count Files

Get how many files with wildcard. Count files selected with wildcards. Module data module_begin module_name access_log_counts module_type generic_data module_exec access_log.2012* module_min 0 module_end Files:...


Transfer per second on a physical device “sda “. More information can be obtained using the iostat command. Module data module_begin module_name TransferPerSec_SDA module_type generic_data module_exec iostat | grep “sda ” | awk ‘{ print...

Zombie Processes

It counts the number of processes that are in the Zombie status. Module data module_begin  module_name Zombie processes  module_type generic_data  module_exec ps ­eos | grep Z | wc ­l | tr ­d “\n”  module_description Number of zombie processes ...

Disk Space

Show amount of disk space free or used. Module data module_begin  module_name dsk_home_free  module_type generic_data  module_exec df -kh /home | tail -1 | awk ‘{NF–; print 100-$NF }’  module_max 100  module_min 0  module_description Free disk (%) of...

IPMI Agent Plugins

These plugins provide modules for each of the sensors from IPMI. They set Warning and Critical Status based on the thresholds provided by IPMI. The Module Group can also be specified. For Unix systems the freeipmi package must be installed. The IPMI information can be...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior