Disk Write Bytes Persec

Distk write bytes per sec in the system. You could get the data per disk drive also. Module data module_begin  module_name DiskWriteBytesPersec  module_type generic_data_inc  module_wmiquery select DiskWriteBytesPersec from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk...

Active TCP Connections

Current active TCP connections in whole system Module data module_begin  module_name Active_TCP_Connections  module_type generic_data  module_wmiquery select ConnectionsActive from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_TCP  module_wmicolumn ConnectionsActive ...

Current Printer Jobs

Get current printer jobs in the processing printer queue in the local printer server (the machine printing the document).Module datamodule_begin module_name CurrentPrinterJobs module_type generic_data module_wmiquery select Jobs from...


Get current printer jobs in the processing printer queue in the local printer server (the machine printing the document). Module data module_begin  module_name CurrentPrinterJobs  module_type generic_data  module_wmiquery select Jobs from...

PrinterJobs per second

Gets the printer jobs per second in a local printer server Module data module_begin  module_name PrinterJobs_persecond  module_type generic_data_inc  module_wmiquery select TotalJobsPrinted from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue  module_wmicolumn...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior