Memory monitor

This plugin uses free to fetch the memory and swap performance metrics from a linux server. To install it: Verify that your system has free installed: $ free -V Download the file “memory_plugin”. Copy it to your agent plugins directory. F.ex. on my system...

Netstat snapshot (Linux)

This snapshot plugin, send netstat information as Command Snapshot (generic string module). Module data Change permissions (chmod 755) and execute as: module_plugin Files:

Unix process snapshot

This local plugin module for Unix agents will give you a string data module with a snapshot of running processes, including CPU, MEMORY and system stats, as resulting from TOP command, very useful to catch the whole system status in a single snapshot. Use for 4.0.3...

Interfaz con IP

Este script te escribe todas las interfaces configuradas en la máquina junto con la IP asignada a dicha interfaz. Module data module_begin module_name Interfaces de red module_type generic_data_string module_crontab * 5-7 * * 0 # Ejecuta todos los domingos entre las 5...

IIS performance plugin

This plugin uses WMI queries to fetch info about the IIS server. To install it: Create the directory “%Program Files%pandora_agentplugins” if needed. Download the file “iis_plugin.vbs”. Copy it to your agent plugins directory. To use it, just...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior