Azure Discovery enterprise

AZURE With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of an Azure environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. AZURE CLOUD Ver.  5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor instances and zones of an Azure environment, through the PandoraFMS...

AWS RDS Discovery enterprise

With this Plug-in you can monitor databases of an AWS RDS environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. AWS RDS Ver.  5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor databases of an AWS RDS environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery”...

AWS S3 Discovery enterprise

With this Plug-in you can monitor buckets of an AWS S3 environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. AWS S3 Ver.  5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor buckets of an AWS S3 environment, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery”...

AWS EC2 Discovery enterprise

With this Plug-in you can monitor instances,zones, volumes and costs of an AWS EC2 environment, through the “Discovery” functionality of PandoraFMS. AWS EC2 Ver.  5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor instances,zones, volumes and costs of an AWS EC2 environment,...

PostgreSQL Discovery enterprise

PostgreSQL With this Plug-in you can monitor PostgreSQL databases, either local or remote, through the PandoraFMS “Discovery” functionality. POSTGRESQL Ver.  5-10-2023 With this Plug-in you can monitor PostgreSQL databases, either local or remote, through the...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior