Update in: 4 March 2024
Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support.
Apache performance plugin
This plugin uses wget and the apache module “status-module” to fetch info about the apache server.
To install it:
- Verify that your system has wget installed: $ wget -V
- Verify that your apache install has the “status-module” installed: $ apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES NOTE: The module must be accessible without password.
- Download the file “apache_plugin”.
- Copy it to your agent plugins directory. F.ex. on my system in “/etc/pandora/plugins”.
- Make it executable: $ chmod +x /etc/pandora/plugins/apache_plugin
To use it, just call it from the config file of your agent with the following line:
"module_plugin apache_plugin (apache_url_to_server_status)"
For more plugin options or change warning and critical levels see its code.
Module data
Depends on: wget, status-module for apache
EN: Pandora apache performance EN ES: Pandora apache performance ES
Installation video
EN: Pandora apache performance EN ES: Pandora apache performance ES
Descarga apache_plugin