Update in: 14 July 2022
Plugin to integrate the Redmine ticketing system into Pandora
Type: Agent plugin
With this plugin you can create, update and delete tickets, from terminal, or from the PandoraFMS console.
-m (post)
-i (host)
-t (token)
-p (project id)
-tid (ticket id)
-s (subject)
-d (description)
-pi (priority id)
-st (status id)
-a (asigned to id)
Open issue:
python3 pandora_redmine.py -m post -i http://pandorap.m.redmine.org -t token -p 1 -s "este es el subject" -d "descripción" -pi 1 -st 1 -a 1
Update issue:
python3 pandora_redmine.py -m put -tid 1 -i http://pandorap.m.redmine.org -t token -p 1 -s "omg" -d "Editando subject" -pi 1 -st 1 -a 1
Delete issue:
python3 pandora_redmine.py -m delete -tid 2 -i http://pandorap.m.redmine.org -t token
EN: Pandora Redmine EN
ES: Pandora Redmine ES
Only enterprise users can view the download links.