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Update in: 5 March 2024


LDAP With this plug-in we will be able to see the metrics of your ldap server.

With this plug-in we will be able to see the metrics of your ldap server.

Type: Server or agent plug-in

Modules generated

Name Description
Abandon operations completed Type of operation “abandon” completed
Abandon operations initiated Type of operation “abandon” initiated
active operations all active operations
Add operations completed Type of operation “add” completed
Add operations initiated Type of operation “add” initiated
authentications/sec Number of authentications(binds) per second
Bind operations completed Type of operation “bind” completed
Bind operations initiated Type of operation “bind” initiated
Bytes statics Bytes statics
cn=Operations,cn=Monitor completed All operations completed
cn=Operations,cn=Monitor initiated All operations initiated
Compare operations completed Type of operation “compare” completed
Compare operations initiated Type of operation “compare” initiated
Current connections Number of current connections
Delete operations completed Type of operation “completed” completed
Delete operations initiated Type of operation “delete” initiated
Entries statics Entries statics, sub tree statics
Extended operations completed Type of operation “extended” completed
Extended operations initiated Type of operation “extended” initiated
Max Descriptor connections Max Descriptor connections
Modify operations completed Type of operation “modify” completed
Modify operations initiated Type of operation “modify” initiated
Modrdn completed Modrdn completed
Modrdn initiated Modrdn initiated
operations/sec number total operations per second
PDU statics PDU statics
Read waiters Read waiters
Referrals statics Referrals statics
Response time Response ldap server time
Search operations completed Type of operation “search” completed
Search operations initiated Type of operation “search” initiated
Total connections Number of total connections
Unbind Operations completed Type of operation “unbind” completed
Unbind Operations initiated Type of operation “unbind” initiated
Write waiters Write waiters

EN: Pandora LDAP EN
ES:  Pandora LDAP ES

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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior