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Update in: 7 September 2023


This plugin scans the entire Nutanix environment, retrieving information about:

  • Clusters
  • Containers
  • Hosts
  • Storage
  • Virtual machines
  • Protection domains

It creates the relationships between the items, so you’ll be able to create a group networkmap to view graphically the dependencies between different entities.

Also reports following modules:


  • Data reduction %
  • Number of nodes
  • Storage usage %
  • Sotrage SSD usage %
  • Network input (KBps)
  • Network output (KBps)


  • Data reduction %
  • Storage usage %
  • Controller read IO ppm
  • Controller write IO ppm
  • Controller average IO latency usecs


  • Number of Virtual machies
  • State
  • Any parameter retrieved from /PrismGateway/services/rest/VERSION/hosts (configurable)


  • Storage usage %
  • Sotrage SSD usage %
  • Network input (KBps)
  • Network output (KBps)
  • Average read IO latency
  • Average write IO latency

Virtual machines

  • Any parameter retrieved from /PrismGateway/services/rest/VERSION/vms (configurable)

Protection domains

  • {Protection domain name} active (active or not)
  • {Protection domain name} VMs affected
  • {Protection domain name} pending replication count
  • {Protection domain name} Last replication status
  • {Protection domain name} Last replication time spent
  • {Protection domain name} Last replication transmitted bytes
  • {Protection domain name} Last replication start time
  • {Protection domain name} Last replication end time


Only enterprise users can view the download links.

ES Nutanix documentation

EN Nutanix documentation

If you need any OS please contact support.artica.es

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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior