Update in: 4 March 2024
Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support.
This plugin reports the following checks by default for all JMX standard technologies (Tomcat, Websphere, Weblogic, Jboss, Jetty, GlassFish, etc.):
- Information and statistics of the application server.
- Information of the host Operative system where the application server isrunning.
- List and information of the Servlets state deployed inside the application server..
- Byte number of memory used by the server.
- Optional other information can be extracted from all Mbeans inside applicationserver.
- Active Sessions
- Max Sessions Allowed
- Connector SSL confguration
- Connector State
- JSP Count
- Class Load Time
- Servlet count allocated
- Servlet load time
- Servlet class
- Servlet request count
- Servlet load on startup
- Webmodule confgured
- Webmodule start time
- Webmodule request count
- Webmodule state name
- Active sessions
- Invalid Sessions
- Create count
- Close count
- Allocate count
- Fault count
- Percent used
- Average CPU usage by web component
- Cache size
- Websphere home directory
- J2EE modules of an specifc web component
- Prevent Jre Memory Leaks
- Detect App CLLeaks
- Bootstrap port
- ORB Request timeout
- ORB Request Retries Count
- Trace level
- Trace bufer size
- Maximum size of thread pool
- Minimum size of thread pool
- Inactivity Timeout
- Locked Users Current Count
- Lockout Duration
- Lockout Enabled
- Invalid Login Attempts Total Count
- Pool Max Capacity
- Execution Time Average
- Invocation Total Count
- Diagnostics Read Count
- Diagnostics Delete Count
- Diagnostics Update Count
- Diagnostics Create Count
- Mbean Completed Requests
- Mbean Bytes Received Count
- Mbean Bytes Sent Count
- Mbean Connections Count
- Mbean Public URL
- Mbean Messages Sent Count
- Mbean Messages Received Count
- Mbean Execution Time Average
- Mbean Execution Time Total
- Mbean Invocation Total Count
- Servlet State
- Servlet Server Startup Time
- Servlet Execution Time Average
- Servlet Reload Total Count
- Servlet Execution Time High
- Servlet Invocation Total Count
- Webmodule status
- Webmodule Open Sessions High Count
- Webmodule Session Invalidation Interval Secs
- Webmodule Sessions Opened Total Count
- Webmodule Module Id
- Active Controller Brokers
- Broker leaders
- Incoming Bytes per second
- Incoming Messages per second
- ISR expansion Rate
- ISR shrink rate
- Network processors avg idle time
- Number of disputed leader elections rate
- Offline Controller Brokers
- Outgoing Bytes per second
- Request handlers avg idle time
- Requests in fetch API purgatory
- Requests in producer API purgatory
- System’s partitions
- Total time to serve a specified request (fetch API consumer)
- Total time to serve a specified request (fetch API follower)
- Total time to serve a specified request (producer API)
- Unclear leader election rate
- Under-replicated partition
Update v752:
- Now it’s possible to configure thresholds for custom mbean modules.
- The plugin can be run as a server plugin now.
Only enterprise users can view the download links.
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