Companies and public administrations monitor their systems to comply with the Energy Savings Plan

Press releases 2022

Madrid, September 13, 2022.-The Energy Savings Plan decreed by the Government includes measures such as shutting down windows and lights of public buildings from 22:00 hours, the limitation of air conditioning to 27 degrees and the heating cap for this winter until 19. A series of rules that companies and public administrations must comply with in order to avoid fines ranging from 60,000 in minor infringements to 100 million in the most serious cases. To improve the control of your systems, monitoring technology has regained importance.

The concept of monitoring is increasingly widespread among companies and administrations. Through this solution, all the information of a structure is controlled and managed from the same computer. That way, in addition to having a better overview on the development of all areas of a company, the ability to act in case of error is significantly improved. In the case of energy savings, monitoring systems reduce the risk of penalties and energy expenditure by having a greater management capacity.

“Monitoring is going to be key so that large and medium-sized companies, or public administrations themselves, can execute the Energy Savings Plan as efficiently as possible without this being detrimental to other areas of their workforce”, explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of the company expert in monitoring Pandora FMS.

The Spanish company works both nationally with administrations such as Madrid Digital, and internationally with companies such as Rakuten. And, according to the data, monitoring allows to improve the response time for citizen services by 200% or reduce the workload in sectors such as retail by 30%. These percentages represent a reduction in costs and an increase in efficiency and, as indicated by Pandora FMS, they are decisive for the coming months. In fact, most of the energy consumed through monitoring systems is saved by almost 30%. 

“The Energy Savings Plan forces administrations and companies to improve their management. In the case of public administrations, the control needed brings cities closer to the ideal of Smart Cities where resources, thanks to IT information and its good analysis, are exploited as efficiently as possible,” Lerena details. The concept of smart cities is booming and encompasses all those that, through technology, provide better services to their citizens without causing a negative impact either in economic or environmental terms.

Through monitoring systems, both companies and administrations can control key details to comply with the Savings Plan. “The simple fact of checking that the temperature is within the established ranges, checking that the lights have been switched off correctly, or even raising and lowering the heating according to the ambient temperature goes from being a tedious process to something that technology manages on its own”, underlines the CEO of the Spanish company.

According to the Government, the electricity consumption throughout the entire country dropped by 3.7% during the first week with the Energy Savings Plan. A trend that they expect to increase in the coming weeks and months, especially in the face of a winter where the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s measures can further increase inflation levels and energy prices.

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