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This plugin uses mysql to fetch the performance metrics from a Bacula server.

To install it:

  1. Verify that your system has mysql installed: $ mysql -V
  2. Download the file “bacula_plugin”.
  3. Copy it to your agent plugins directory. F.ex. on my system in “/etc/pandora/plugins”.
  4. Make it executable: $ chmod +x /etc/pandora/plugins/bacula_plugin

To use it you need a mysql user, for that I create a user with only select privileges on the bacula catalog database:

mysql> GRANT SELECT ON (bacula_catalog).* to (user)@localhost identified by '(password)';

NOTE: Maybe less privileges are needed, but NEVER user the mysql root account.

Then just call it from the config file of your agent with the following line:

"module_plugin bacula_plugin (user) (password) (bacula_catalog)"

For more plugin options or change warning and critical levels see its code.

Module data

Depends on: mysql



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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior