Pandora FMS Command Line Interface (CLI)

Pandora FMS CLI

The Pandora FMS CLI (Command-Line Interface) is used for making calls in command line on the file pandora_manage.

This method is specially useful to integrate applications of thirds parts with Pandora FMS through automated tasks. Basically, it consists on one call with the parameters formated to do and action such as the creation an elimination of one agent, one module or one user, among other things.

pandora_manage <pandora_server.conf path> <option> <option parameters>  [ optional parameters ]

With backslash \ as a line connector:

pandora_manage \
    <pandora_server.conf path> \
    <option> \
    <option parameters> \
    [ optional parameters ]


  • All parameters, mandatory or optional, can be delimited with single quotes. This is especially useful when a parameter has one or more spaces.
  • If you need to omit a parameter you can use two single quotes together. In case the parameter is strictly necessary a message like [ERROR] Error: will be displayed followed by a description of the parameter. This is also useful to indicate empty optional parameters.
  • Some parameters are case sensitive, others are case insensitive. For example, when creating an agent the name of the PFMS server must be strictly the same, however the name of the primary group to which the agent will belong can be in upper and/or lower case and if there is a match the group will be assigned.
  • You can use the alias of an agent, instead of its name itself, by means of the use_alias parameter at the end of the command line.


General help:

pandora_manage --h | more

To obtain help about one specific option just write option without parameters:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_user

Commands are grouped into the following categories:



Required parameters (syntax):

  • < agent name > Returns error if the name exists (see < alias as name >).
  • < operating system >
  • < group name > Must match an existing OS (case insensitive) otherwise it will be registered without any group.
  • < server name > Be case sensitive, otherwise the value of the field will be left null without any warning. You must verify that the agent has been assigned to a server.

Optional parameters:

  • < IP address or URL >
  • < description > If you omit the description Created by < server name > will be added (regardless of whether the specified server exists or not).
  • < interval > In seconds, default value: 300 (see next point).
  • < alias as name > The default value is 1 and with this value the agent alias will be the same as the agent name. If you want the name to be randomly generated, use 0.


An agent will be created with the specified name, operating system, group and server. Optionally, it can be given an address (IP address or name), a description and an interval in seconds.

If you are going to use a random agent name using 0 as the last parameter, the agent period must be specified, the recommended value being 300 seconds.

Example (see call and syntax):

An agent will be created with a random name and the alias My agent and with the recommended period of 300 seconds.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_agent \
    'My agent' AIX Databases Central-Server \ 'Agent description' '' 0


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < name_of_agent >
  • < field_to_change >
  • < new_value >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias

Description: An existing agent's < field_to_modify > will be updated. The available fields are the following:

  • agent_name
  • address
  • description
  • group_name
  • interval
  • os_name
  • disabled ( 0 to activate it, 1 to inactivate it).
  • parent_name
  • cascade_protection ( 0 to activate it, 1 to inactivate it).
  • icon_path to change the icon that represents the agent in the GIS maps, the possible values are: circle, cross, marker, square_marker, star and triangle.
  • update_gis_data ( 0 to activate it, 1 to inactivate it).
  • custom_id

To identify the agent by its alias instead of its name, use use_alias right at the end.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' agent_name 'Agent 2'

When changing an agent's IP address note that this command allows repeating IP addresses.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' address
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' description 'New note' \

For the disabled option only 0 and 1 should be used, any other value will produce unpredictable search and/or display results in the Web Console.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' disabled 1 \

For the cascade_protection option only 0 and 1 should be used, any other value will produce unpredictable search and/or display results in the Web Console.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' cascade_protection 1 \
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_agent \
    'My Agent' icon_path cross \


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < id_agent > agent identifier.
  • < field_type > field type which can be 0 if it is a text type or 1 if it is a combo box (select) type composed of several options. See section on answers.
  • < field_to_change > name of the field to be updated.
  • < valor_nuevo > the value of the field to be updated.

Description: updates the custom fields of an agent.

The answers of which they are composed are:

  • ERROR:
  • If the agent does not exist.
  • If the field does not exist.
  • In the event that the new_value of a combo does not match the ones you have preset.
  • If you were unable to update the field.
  • INFO:
  • Updating the X field with the agent id Y.
  • Correctly updated.

Examples (see call and syntax):


pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \
 --agent_update_custom_fields \
 1 0 'Serial number' 'THX-1138'

COMBO TYPE: you must have configured a custom field named Names with at least one item named John.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \
 --agent_update_custom_fields \
 1 1 'Names' 'John'


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

  • use_alias It should be noted that agent aliases can be repeated and several agents can be deleted with a single command.


The agent(s) will be deleted by passing its name or alias as a parameter.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \
    --delete_agent 'pandora.internals' \


Required parameter:

  • < group_name >


Disable all agents from an entire group. The agents of the group considered as parameter will be disabled with the execution of this option.

If you pass All as group, all agents from all groups will be disabled.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_group Firewalls


Required parameter:

  • < group_name >


The agents of the group considered as parameter will be disabled with the execution of this option. If you pass All as group all agents from all groups will be enabled.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --enable_group FIREWALLS


Required parameters:

  • < group_name >

Optional parameters:

  • < parent_group_name >
  • < icon > options available:
  • applications
  • application_osx
  • application_osx_terminal
  • bricks
  • chart_organisation
  • clock
  • computer
  • database
  • database_gear
  • docker
  • drive_network
  • email
  • eye
  • firewall
  • heart
  • house
  • images
  • lightning
  • lock
  • network
  • plugin
  • printer
  • server_database
  • transmit
  • vmware
  • without_group
  • world
  • < description >


A new group will be created if it doesn't exist and optionally, can be assigned a parent group, a icon (the icon name without extension, choose one from list above) and description. The parent group by default is All and the default icon is empty string (without icon).

If you need to add a description:

  • If you will not use parent group set All as fill parameter.
  • If no icon is to be used, place an empty string (two single quotes together) as the filler parameter.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_group \
    'New group name' \
    Web computer 'New description.'


Required parameter:

  • < group_name >


Delete an agent group.

Every agent belongs to indicated group will be deleted too.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf –-delete_group 'Group name'


Required parameters:

  • < group_id >

Optional parameters:

  • < group_name_to_modify >
  • < parent_group_name >
  • < icon > options available:
  • applications
  • application_osx
  • application_osx_terminal
  • bricks
  • chart_organisation
  • clock
  • computer
  • database
  • database_gear
  • docker
  • drive_network
  • email
  • eye
  • firewall
  • heart
  • house
  • images
  • lightning
  • lock
  • network
  • plugin
  • printer
  • server_database
  • transmit
  • vmware
  • without_group
  • world
  • < description >

Description: A group is modified by its numerical identifier. Parameters that can be modified:

  • Name group.
  • Name group parent
  • Icon (only name, without extension, choose one from list above).
  • Description.
  • You can use the “ get_agent_group_id ” function to find the id of the group of any agent.
  • At Web console go to menu Management → Profiles → Manage agent groups and take number id.

You must type exactly same existing parameters for only modify description field.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_group 2 \
    'Group name' 'Web' 'transmit' 'Description'


Required parameter:

  • < downtime_name >


Stop a planned downtime. If the downtime is finished, a message will be showed. Returning messages:

  • [ERROR] Planned_downtime cannot be stopped.
  • [INFO] Planned_downtime is already stopped.
  • [INFO] Stopping planned downtime.

Example (see call and syntax): /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --stop_downtime 'Downtime name'


Required parameter:

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

To identify the agent by its alias instead of its name, use use_alias right at the end.

Description: Get the status of a given agent by its name or alias.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agent_status 'agent name' use_alias


Required parameter:

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

To identify the agent by its alias instead of its name, use use_alias right at the end.

Description: Get the group of a given agent by its name or alias.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agent_group 'agent_name' use_alias


Required parameter:

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

To identify the agent by its alias instead of its name, use use_agent_alias right at the end.

Description: Get the identification group of a given agent by its name or alias.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agent_group_id 'agent name' use_alias


Required parameter:

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

To identify the agent by its alias instead of its name, use use_alias right at the end.

Description: Get the modules (identifications and names, separated by a comma) of a given agent by its name or alias.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agent_modules 'agent name' use_alias


Required parameter: None.

Optional parameters: Allow filtering the list of agents in a serialized format where the order matters, use two single quotes to skip parameter(s). They are numbered here for better control and visualization:

  1. < os_name >
  2. < status > Posible values: critical, warning, unknown, normal.
  3. < number_max_of_modules >
  4. < key_string > Allows filtering by agent name (or agent alias if you add at the end use_agent_alias ).
  5. < policy_name >
  6. use_agent_alias to search for an agent by alias instead of name.

Description: Get all agents (without parameters) or agents according to a filter.

Examples (see call and syntax):

  • Get all agents in the Network group:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents 'Network' '' '' '' '' ''
  • Get all the agents that have Linux as operating system:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents '' 'Linux' '' '' '' ''
  • Obtain all agents whose status is normal:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents '' '' 'normal' '' '' ''
  • Obtain all agents with zero modules (no modules at all):
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents '' '' '' '0' '' ''
  • Get all agents with zero modules in the Servers group:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents 'Servers' '' '' '0' '' ''
  • Get all agents that contain the word test in their alias:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents '' '' '' '' 'test' '' use_agent_alias
  • Get all the agents that are in the monitoring policy called Basic Linux Monitoring:
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents '' '' '' '' '' 'Basic Linux Monitoring'


Required parameter: < agent_alias >

Optional parameter: strict

Description: Lists the identifiers and aliases of agents matching the specified alias, case insensitive. Using the optional strict parameter limits the search to an exact match of all letters.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents_id_name_by_alias 'name' strict


Required parameter: < agent_name >

Optional parameter: use_alias

Description: The configuration file of an agent will be deleted.

All connection settings and agent configuration will also be deleted.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_conf_file 'agent alias' use_alias


Required parameter: < agent_name >

Parámetro opcional: use_alias

Description: The configuration file of an agent will be cleaned (all the contents of the file will be deleted, including connection values and configuration parameters).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --clean_conf_file 'agent alias' use_alias


Parameters: None.


  • The misconfigured configuration files will be listed by searching the main tokens:
    • server_ip
    • server_path
    • temporary
    • logfile
  • In case there are corrupt files that cannot be opened:

[WARN] Can't open file < path_file >.

  • In case of not finding the file in the path:

[WARN] File not exist < path_file >.

  • In case the configuration files are correct (according to the tokens of the first point):

[INFO] No bad files found

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_bad_conf_files


Only for Command Center (Metaconsole).

Required parameters:

  • < agent_id_to_migrate >
  • < node_name_source >
  • < node_name_target >

Optional parameter:

  • < only_db > by default 0, it will migrate database and historical data, if set to 1 it will only migrate database without historical data.

Description: An agent is added to the migration queue to move from node to node.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --migration_agent_queue 1 node_1 node_2 0

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Only for Command Center (Metaconsole).

Required parameter: < agent_id_to_check >

Description: Will return true or false depending on whether the agent entered exists in the agent migration table.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --migration_agent 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < planned_stop_name >
  • < description >
  • < date_from >
  • < date_to >
  • < group_id >
  • < Monday (0|1) >
  • < Tuesday (0|1) >
  • < Wednesday (0|1) >
  • < Thursday (0|1) >
  • < Friday (0|1) >
  • < Saturday (0|1) >
  • < Sunday (0|1) >
  • < time_from_period HH:MM:SS>
  • < time_to_period HH:MM:SS>
  • < day_number_from_in_period >
  • < day_number_to_date_period >
  • < planned_stop_type (quiet|disable_agents|disable_agents_alerts) >
  • < execution_type (periodically|once) >
  • < type_of_periodicity (weekly|monthly) >
  • < user_id >

Description: A weekly or monthly scheduled stop will be created with the submitted data. The date format must be MM/DD/YYYYYY (Month/Day/Year) for this call to work properly.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.con --create_downtime \
  Testing Testing 05/07/2024 06/07/2024 \
  0 1 1 1 1 11 1 17:07:00 18:08:00 1 31 \
  quiet periodically weekly admin

For this to be done correctly, the API configuration parameters must be filled in at pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_pass, console_pass, console_user and console_api_url.


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < planned_stop_id >
  • < agent_id1,agent_id2,agent_id3,…,agent_idN >
  • < module_name1,module_name2,module_name3,…,module_nameN >


Records will be added to a scheduled stop with the submitted data. Write the list of agent identifiers and the list of module names without leaving spaces between the commas that separate the components of both lists. If a module name contains spaces, enclose the module name in two single quotes. If two or more agents are passed, it is assumed by default that you want to add common modules, otherwise it will display a warning message. Note that the command allows the addition of repeated items.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_item_downtime \
  1 1 Memory_Used,'CPU Load'

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_pass , console_pass , console_user and console_api_url .


Required parameters:

  • < name_to_search >

Optional parameters:

  • < id_group >
  • < type_downtime > quiet, disable_agents, disable_agents_alerts.
  • < type_execution > once, periodically.
  • < type_periodicity > weekly, monthly.


All planned shutdowns that match the submitted data will be listed.

Example (see call and syntax):

To obtain the complete list of planned stops:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_all_planned_downtimes ''

To list a very specific planned stop:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_all_planned_downtimes "Stop 1" "8" "disable_agents" "periodically" "monthly"


Required parameters:

  • < name_to_search >

Optional parameters:

  • < id_group >
  • < type_downtime > quiet, disable_agents, disable_agents_alerts.
  • < type_execution > once, periodically.
  • < type_periodicity > weekly, monthly.


All items matching the name of the requested planned downtimes will be listed.

Example (see call and syntax):

To obtain all the items of all the planned stops:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_planned_downtimes_items ''

To obtain the items of the planned stops containing the word new in upper and/or lower case:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_planned_downtimes_items 'new'

To obtain the items of the weekly planned stops:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_planned_downtimes_items '' '' '' '' 'weekly'


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < planned_stop_name >


Deletes a planned stop by its corresponding name. It may respond with one of these messages:

  • This planned downtime is deleted.
  • Problems with this planned downtime.
  • The scheduled downtime is still being executed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_planned_downtimes_deleted \
  'Name Scheduled Downtime'


Only for Command Center (Metaconsole) and nodes.

Required parameters:

  • < agent_id >
  • For Command Center (Metaconsola) the node ID, for nodes put any value, it is indifferent.

Optional parameters:

  • < value > By default 1 to enable the agent, 0 to disable.

Description: Disables an agent and also, if it has remote configuration, puts it in standby mode.

Example (see call and syntax):

To enable an agent from the node: /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_disabled_and_standby 2 0 1

To disable an agent from node:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_disabled_and_standby 2 0 0

To enable an agent from Command Center (Metaconsole):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_disabled_and_standby 2 1 1

To disable an agent from Command Center (Metaconsole):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_disabled_and_standby 2 1 0

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters (syntax):

< agent_numeric_identifier >


Synchronizes module counts and alerts for a given agent. If you want to synchronize with all agents, the first parameter must be All.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --reset_agent_counts "All"

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_pass , console_pass , console_user and console_api_url .


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < agent_numeric_identifier >
  • < latitude >
  • < longitude >
  • < altitude >

Optional parameters:

  • None.

Description: Updates the GIS data of an agent. This feature must be enabled in the PFMS general configuration.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --insert_gis_data 1 2 3 4

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_pass , console_pass , console_user and console_api_url .


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < agent_numeric_identifier >

Optional parameters:

  • None.

Description: Gets an agent's GIS data. This feature must be enabled in the general PFMS configuration.

Examples (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_gis_agent 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_pass , console_pass , console_user and console_api_url .


Required parameters (syntax):

  • < agent_id_numeric >
  • < operating_system_id_numeric >
  • < operating_system_version >

Optional parameters:

  • None.

Description: Add or change operating system (and obsolescence) to an agent.

Examples (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --agent_set_os 7 3 'Ubuntu 16.04'


Required parameter: < agent_name >

Optional aprameter: use_alias to search by agent alias.

Description: Searches for an agent in the nodes of a Command Center (Metaconsole) and returns the node identifier.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --locate_agent NAS use_alias



Required parameters:

  1. < module_name >
  2. < module_type >
  3. < agent_name >
  4. < description >
  5. < module_group>
  6. < min >
  7. < max >

Although fields 4 to 5 are required, these parameters can be omitted by using quotation marks "". In the case of setting the minimum and maximum values accepted by the module, any value outside this range will be discarded.

Optional parameters:

  1. < post_process >
  2. < interval >
  3. < warning_min >
  4. < warning_max >
  5. < critical_min >
  6. < critical_max >
  7. < history_data >
  8. < definition_file >
  9. < warning_str >
  10. < critical_str >
  11. < unknown_events >
  12. < ff_threshold >
  13. < each_ff >
  14. < ff_threshold_normal >
  15. < ff_threshold_warning >
  16. < ff_threshold_critical >
  17. < ff_timeout >
  18. < warning_inverse >
  19. < critical_inverse >
  20. < critical_instructions >
  21. < wraning_instructions >
  22. < unknown_instructions >
  23. use_agent_alias: For the agent search use the agent alias instead of the agent name.
  24. ignore_unknown: Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.
  25. < number_of_intervals_in_warning > Allows state scaling by specifying the maximum number of consecutive intervals in which the module remains in warning state. If this value is exceeded, the module will escalate to critical status.

Description: A data type module will be created in an agent with the module name, module type and agent name (see option use_agent_alias) where it will be created. Optionally it will be possible to give it a description, the module group, et cetera.

The default values are 0 for minimum and maximum, historical_data and post_process; 300 for interval.

Example (see call and syntax):

Basic example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_data_module "My new module" "generic_data" "pandora.internals" "My description" "Miscellaneous" "0" "100"

Simple example for state scaling:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_data_module data_module_test generic_data 3f9c41953a072afa229aa0a7fe3a6203a1ecf86b40b8a13d8a7d9916f0210bb1 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2001

Complex example, the module definition file will contain something like this:

module_name My module
module_type generic_data
module_exec cat /proc/meminfo  | grep MemFree | awk '{ print $2 }'
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_data_module 'My module' generic_data 'My agent' 'Module description' 'General' 1 3 0 300 0 0 0 0 1 /home/user/definition_file 'warning text' 'critical text'

If a different name or type is entered between the parameters and the file definition, the file definition will take precedence.


Required parameters:

  1. < module_name >
  2. < module_type > web_data, web_proc, web_content_data, web_content_string.
  3. < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  1. < description >
  2. < module_group >
  3. < min >
  4. < max >
  5. < post_process >
  6. < interval >
  7. < warning_min >
  8. < warning_max >
  9. < critical_min >
  10. < critical_max >
  11. < history_data >
  12. < retries >
  13. < requests >
  14. < agent_browser_id >
  15. < auth_server >
  16. < auth_realm >
  17. < definition_file >
  18. < proxy_url >
  19. < proxy_auth_login >
  20. < proxy_auth_password >
  21. < warning_str >
  22. < critical_str >
  23. < enable_unknown_events >
  24. < ff_threshold >
  25. < each_ff >
  26. < ff_threshold_normal >
  27. < ff_threshold_warning >
  28. < ff_threshold_critical >
  29. < ff_timeout >
  30. < warning_inverse >
  31. < critical_inverse >
  32. < critical_instructions >
  33. < warning_instructions >
  34. < unknown_instructions >
  35. < use_agent_alias >: For the agent search use the agent alias instead of the agent name.
  36. < ignore_unknown >: Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.
  37. < number_of_intervals_in_warning > Allows state scaling by specifying the maximum number of consecutive intervals in which the module remains in warning state. If this value is exceeded, the module will escalate to critical status.

Description: A web data module will be created in an agent with the module name, kind of module and name of the agent where it will be created (see parameter use_agent_alias) . Optionally it will be possible to give a description, the module group, min and max values, a post_process value, an interval in seconds, min and max warning values, min and max critical values, a history data value and one module definition file among others. In the case of setting the minimum and maximum values accepted by the module, any value outside this range will be discarded.

Example (see call and syntax):

Basic example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_web_module "My new web_content_string" "web_content_string" "pandora.internals" "My description" "Miscellaneous" "0" "100"

Simple example for state scaling:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_web_module web_module_test web_data 3f9c41953a072afa229aa0a7fe3a6203a1ecf86b40b8a13d8a7d9916f0210bb1 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2001

As a complex example, the module definition file will contain something like this:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_web_module 'module_name' web_data 'pandorafms' 'Module description' 'General' 0 100 0 300 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 'Pandora FMS' auto public /home/user/file_definition 'http://proxy.url' 'proxy_login' 'proxy_password' 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 'critical_instructions' 'warning_instructions' 'unknown_instructions'


Required parameters:

  1. < module_name >
  2. < module_type > accepts the following values: remote_icmp_proc, remote_icmp, remote_tcp, remote_tcp_proc, remote_tcp_string, remote_tcp_inc.
  3. < agent_name >
  4. < module_address >
  5. < module_port > only for TCP: numerical value between 1 and 65535.
  6. < description >
  7. < module_group >
  8. < min >
  9. < max >
  10. < post_process >
  11. < interval >
  12. < warning_min >
  13. < warning_max >

Optional parameters:

  1. < critical_min >
  2. < critical_max >
  3. < history_data >
  4. < ff_threshold >
  5. < warning_str >
  6. < critical_str >
  7. < enable_unknown_events >
  8. < each_ff >
  9. < ff_threshold_normal >
  10. < ff_treshold_warning >
  11. < ff_threshold_critical >
  12. < timeout >
  13. < retries >
  14. < critical_instructions >
  15. < warning_instructions >
  16. < unknown_instructions >
  17. < warning_inverse >
  18. < critical_inverse >
  19. use_agent_alias to search for the agent by its alias instead of its name.
  20. ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.
  21. < number_of_intervals_in_warning > Allows state scaling by specifying the maximum number of consecutive intervals in which the module remains in warning state. If this value is exceeded, the module will escalate to critical status.

Description: A network module will be created in an agent with the module name, module type, agent name where it will be created and the module address specified. Optionally, it can be given a port number, a description, minimum and maximum values, a post processing ' value, an interval in seconds, minimum and maximum warning values, minimum and maximum criticality values, and a historical data value.

The default values are 0 for minimum and maximum, history_data and post_process and 300 seconds for the interval.

Example (see call and syntax):

Basic example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_network_module "My Network Module" "remote_icmp_proc" "pandora.internals" "" "22" "My description" "Enviromental" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Simple example for state scaling:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_network_module net_module_test remote_tcp 3f9c41953a072afa229aa0a7fe3a6203a1ecf86b40b8a13d8a7d9916f0210bb1 "1" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2001

Another example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_network_module 'My module' remote_tcp 'My agent' 8080 'Module description' 'General' 1 3 0 300 0 0 0 0 1


Required parameters:

  • < network_component_name >
  • < network_component_group >
  • < network_component_type >

Optional parameters:

  • < description >
  • < module_interval >
  • < max_value >
  • < min_value >
  • < snmp_community >
  • < id_module_group >
  • < max_timeout >
  • < history_data >
  • < min_warning >
  • < max_warning >
  • < str_warning >
  • < min_critical >
  • < max_critical >
  • < str_critical >
  • < min_ff_event >
  • < post_process >
  • < disabled_types_event >
  • < each_ff >
  • < min_ff_event_normal >
  • < min_ff_event_warning >
  • < min_ff_event_critical >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < each_ff >
  • <ff_threshold_normal>
  • <ff_threshold_warning>
  • <ff_threshold_critical>

Description: A network component will be created. Optionally it can be given a port, a description, minimum and maximum values, a post processing value, an interval in seconds, minimum and maximum warning values, minimum and maximum critical values, and a historical data value.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_network_component "example_name" 2 7

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters:

  1. < module_name >
  2. < module_type > the following options are valid: remote_snmp, remote_snmp_inc, remote_snmp_proc.
  3. < agent_name >
  4. < module_address >
  5. < module_port > numerical value between 1 and 65535.
  6. < version >
  7. < community >
  8. < oid >
  9. < description >
  10. < module_group >
  11. < min >
  12. < max >
  13. < post_process >
  14. < interval >

Optional parameters:

  1. < warning_min >
  2. < warning_max >
  3. < critical_min >
  4. < critical_max >
  5. < history_data >
  6. < snmp3_priv_method >
  7. < snmp3_priv_pass >
  8. < snmp3_sec_level >
  9. < snmp3_auth_method >
  10. < snmp3_auth_user >
  11. < snmp3_auth_pass >
  12. < ff_threshold>
  13. < warning_str >
  14. < critical_str >
  15. < unknown_events >
  16. < each_ff >
  17. < ff_threshold_normal >
  18. < ff_threshold_warning >
  19. < ff_threshold_critical >
  20. < timeout >
  21. < retries >
  22. use_alias to search for the agent by its alias instead of its name.
  23. ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.
  24. < critical_instructions >
  25. < warning_instructions >
  26. < unknown_instructions >
  27. < warning_inverse >
  28. < critical_inverse >
  29. < number_of_intervals_in_warning > Allows state scaling by specifying the maximum number of consecutive intervals in which the module remains in warning state. If this value is exceeded, the module will escalate to critical status.

Description: An SNMP type module will be created in an agent with the module name, module type, agent name where it will be created, module address, associated port, SNMP version, community name, OID, description, module group, minimum and maximum values, post processing value, check interval (in seconds), and other optional values.

The default values are 0 for minimum and maximum, history_data and post_process and 300 seconds for the interval.

Example (see call and syntax):

Basic example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_snmp_module "My Module SNMP" "remote_snmp_inc" "pandora.internals" "" "777" "" "" "" "My Description" "Performance" "" "" "" ""

Simple example for state scaling:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_snmp_module snmp_module_test remote_snmp_inc 3f9c41953a072afa229aa0a7fe3a6203a1ecf86b40b8a13d8a7d9916f0210bb1 "1" "3" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2001

Another example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_snmp_module 'My module' remote_snmp_inc 'My agent' 8080 1 my_comunnity my_oid 'Module description'


Required parameters:

  1. < module_name >
  2. < module_type >
  3. < agent_name >
  4. < module_address >
  5. < module_port > numerical value between 1 and 65535.
  6. < plugin_name > one of the registered (Management → Servers → Plugins menu).
  7. < user >
  8. < password >
  9. < parameters >
  10. < description >
  11. < module_group >
  12. < min >
  13. < max >
  14. < post_process >
  15. < interval >
  16. < warning_min >
  17. < warning_max >

Optional parameters:

  1. < critical_min >
  2. < critical_max >
  3. < history_data >
  4. < ff_threshold >
  5. < warning_string >
  6. < critical_string >
  7. < enable_unknown_events >
  8. < each_ff >
  9. < ff_threshold_normal >
  10. < ff_threshold_warning >
  11. < ff_threshold_critical >
  12. < timeout >
  13. < critical_instructions >
  14. < warning_instructions >
  15. < unknown_instructions >
  16. < warning_inverse >
  17. < critical_inverse >
  18. use_agent_alias to search for the agent by its alias instead of its name.
  19. ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.
  20. < number_of_intervals_in_warning > Allows state scaling by specifying the maximum number of consecutive intervals in which the module remains in warning state. If this value is exceeded, the module will escalate to critical status.

Description: A module of type plugin will be created in an agent with the module name, module type, name of the agent where it will be created, the module address, the associated port, corresponding plugin name, a description, the module group, minimum and maximum values, among other optional values, can be provided.

The default values are 0 for minimum and maximum, history_data and post_process and 300 for the interval.

Example (see call and syntax):

Basic example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_plugin_module "My plugin module" "generic_data" "pandora.internals" "" "8080" "DNS Plugin" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

Simple example for state scaling:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_plugin_module plugin_module_test generic_data 3f9c41953a072afa229aa0a7fe3a6203a1ecf86b40b8a13d8a7d9916f0210bb1 "1" "DNS Plugin" "admin" "pandora" "100" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2001

Another example:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_plugin_module 'My module' generic_data 'My agent' 8080 myplugin myuser mypass 'param1 param2 param3' 'Module description' 'General' 1 3 0 300 0 0 0 0 1


Optional parameters:

  • < module_group_name >

Description: Displays the available module groups. We can filter by adding the name of the group or part of it.

Response: CSV format with headers.

  • < id_module_group >
  • < group_name >

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_module_group "general"


Required parameter:

  • < group_name >

Description: A module group with the specified name will be created.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_module_group "My module group"


Required parameter: < server_name_1|server_name_2| … |server_name_n >

Optional parameter: < return_type > JSON and CSV, CSV format by default.

Description: The Command Center module groups will be synchronized with the nodes that have been specified in the first parameter, separated with |.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --module_group_synch \
"server_name1|server_name2|server_name3" "json"

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .



  • < module_name >
  • < synthetic_type > arithmetic or average.
  • < agent_name >
  • < opts >
  • use_alias

Description: A synthetic module will be created in the agent and with the indicated module name. The module type can be arithmetic or average. The operators can be: +-*/x.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_synthetic example_module arithmetic example_agent < opts >
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_synthetic example_module average example_agent < opts >

Possible parameters to use in < opts >:

  • < opts > = < agent_source1 >,< operator >,< source_module1 > < agent_source2 >,< operator >,< source_module2 >
  • < opts > = < agent_source1 >,< operator >,< source_module1 > < operator >,< fixed_value >


Required parameters:

  • < module_name >
  • < agent_name >

Optional parameter:

  • use_alias

Description: A module will be removed from an agent by passing the name of both as a parameter (o con el alias del agente usando use_alias). In case this module is in a local agent, it will also be deleted from the configuration file. From version 771 on wards, the descendants of the deleted module are deleted recursively.

Examples (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_module 'My module' 'My agent'


Required parameters:

  • < pfms_server_name >
  • < agent_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < new_data >

Optional parameters:

  • < date_time > format YYY-MM-DD HH:mm.
  • use_alias if this option is used, a valid date and time must be specified.

Description: Inserts a value to a module.


  • [ERROR] No module found with this type.: The module type differs from the one registered for the requested module.
  • [INFO] Inserting data to module: Successful response.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --data_module "pandorafms" "pandorafms agent" "CPU Load" generic_data 77 "2024-07-19 13:38" use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < agent_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < interval > value in seconds.

Optional parameters:

  • < separator > in quotation marks, if necessary; by default “|”.
  • use_alias if this option is used, a separator must be specified.

Description: The data of a module will be returned for the last X seconds (requested interval) using the separator between timestamp and value.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_module_data "pandorafms agent" "CPU Load" 7200 "," use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < agent_numeric_identifier > if the identifier is not registered it will return an error message indicating that the requested module does not exist.
  • < module_name >

Description: The numerical identifier of a specific module of an agent will be returned.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_module_id 2 "CPU Load" && echo ""


Required parameters:

Description: Inserts the value of the Custom ID field of a specific module. If left null “” its content will be removed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_module_custom_id 21 "My id value" && echo ""


Required parameter:

Description: The value of the Custom ID field of a specific module of an agent will be returned.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_module_custom_id 4


Description: All the data associated to the specified object (module, agent or agent group) will be deleted from the data history.

Parameter for deleting module data: -m < module_name > < agent_name >

Parameter for deleting agent data: -a < agent_name > (optional use_alias)

Parameter for deleting group data: -g < group_agent_name >

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_data -a "agent_alias" use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < nombre_de_módulo >
  • < nombre_de_agente >
  • < campo_a_actualizar >
  • < valor_nuevo >

Optional parameter:

  • use_agent_alias.

Description: A given field of an existing module will be updated. The module type will be detected to allow updating the specific fields of each type.

The possible fields are:

  • Common to any module: module_name, agent_name, description, module_group, min, max, post_process, history_data, interval, warning_min, warning_max, critical_min, critical_max, warning_str, critical_str, ff_threshold, each_ff, ff_threshold_normal, ff_threshold_warning, ff_threshold_critical, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions, critical_instructions, warning_instructions, unknown_instructions.
  • For the data modules: ff_timeout.
  • For the network modules: module_address, module_port.
  • For the SNMP modules: module_address, module_port, version, community, oid, snmp3_priv_method, snmp3_priv_pass, snmp3_sec_level, snmp3_auth_method, snmp3_auth_user, snmp3_priv_pass
  • For the plugin modules: module_address, module_port, plugin_name, user, password.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_module "CPU load" "pandorafms agent" "description" "new description"


Required parameters:

  • < nombre_de_agente >
  • < nombre_de_módulo >
  • < nombre_de_etiqueta >

Description: Adds a tag (Management → Profiles → Module tags menu) to specified module.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_tag_to_module "pandora.internals" "console_log_size" "Dmz"

For it to be done correctly, the API configuration parameters in pandora_server.conf (elements of the configuration file) should be filled in: console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter:

  • < module_name >

Description: Gets the agent identifier, its name and the current data (separated by commas) of all modules with the exact requested name (case insensitive).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_agents_module_current_data "cpu load"


Required parameters:

  • < agent_name >
  • < remote_component_name >

Optional parameter:

  • use_alias

Description: Creates a module in a given agent from a remote component. The agent name or its alias must be supplied with the use_alias option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_network_module_from_component "pandorafms agent" "IIS PutRequestsPersec" use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < agent_name >
  • < local_component_name >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias

Description: Creates a module in a given agent from a local component. The agent name or its alias must be supplied with the use_alias option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_data_module_from_local_component "pandorafms agent" "Event 1000" use_alias



  • < component_name >
  • < data >
  • < description >
  • < id_os >
  • < os_version >
  • < id_network_component_group >
  • < type >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < module_interval >
  • < id_module_group >
  • < history_data >
  • < min_warning >
  • < max_warning >
  • < str_warning >
  • < min_critical >
  • < max_critical >
  • < str_critical >
  • < min_ff_event >
  • < post_process >
  • < unit >
  • < wizard_level >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions >
  • < critical_inverse >
  • < warning_inverse >
  • < id_category >
  • < disabled_types_event >
  • < tags >
  • < min_ff_event_normal >
  • < min_ff_event_warning >
  • < min_ff_event_critical >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_timeout >

Description: To create a new local component.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_local_component 'New local component' 'module_begin\nmodule_name name\nmodule_type generic_data\nmodule_exec exec\nmodule_end'



  • < id_template >
  • < id_agent >

Description: These module templates are a grouping containing network testing modules. These templates can be applied directly to agents, avoiding having to add modules one by one.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --apply_module_template 1 1



Required parameters:

  • < template_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias

Description: By means of an template an alert will be created to an agent's module.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_template_module "Manual alert" "CPU Load" "pandorafms agent" use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < template_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias

Description: An alert to an agent module that has been created by means of an alert template will be removed. It will return response only if the three mandatory parameters exist and the operation is successful, otherwise no message will be displayed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_template_module "Manual alert" "CPU Load" "pandorafms agent" use_alias

If the previous successful execution will display:

[INFO] Delete template 'Manual alert' from module 'CPU Load' from agent 'pandorafms agent'


Required parameters:

  • < action_name >
  • < template_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  • < minimum_number_of_alerts >
  • < maximum_number_of_alerts >
  • use_alias

Description: An action will be added to an alert by passing as parameters the name of the action and the name of the template, module and agent that form the alert. The scaling values minimum number of alerts and maximum number of alerts (both by default 0) can also be passed optionally.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_template_action "Mail to Admin" "Manual alert" "CPU Load" "pandorafms agent" 3 4 use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < action_name >
  • < template_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias

Description: An alert action will be removed from an agent module that uses an template.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_template_action "Mail to Admin" "Manual alert" "CPU Load" "pandorafms agent" use_alias


Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Disables all alerts. If you already had alerts disabled before executing this command and then execute its counterpart enable_alerts, each and every alert will be active again.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_alerts


Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Enables all alerts. If you already had alerts enabled before executing this command and then execute its counterpart disable_alerts, each and every alert will be inactive again.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --enable_alerts



  • < template_name >
  • < condition_type_serialized >
  • < time_from >
  • < time_to >
  • < description >
  • < group_name >
  • < field_1 >
  • < field_2 >
  • < field_3 >
  • < priority >
  • < default_action >
  • < days >
  • < time_threshold >
  • < min_alerts >
  • < max_alerts >
  • < alert_recovery >
  • < field_2_recovery >
  • < field_3_recovery >
  • < condition_type_separator >

Description: An alert template will be created.

Field < condition_type_serialized >: These are the serial template type options with the default ; separator. You can change the separator with the < condition_type_separator > parameter to avoid conflicts in some options if there is a possibility that they contain the default character.

In the following examples the default separator ; is used and the matches_value field is a binary value to set whether the alert will be triggered when the value matches the conditions or not.

Regular expression:

  • Syntax: <type>;<matches_value>;<value>
  • Example: regex;1;stopped|error (Alert when value matches regular expression 'stopped|error')

Maximum and minimum:

  • Syntax: <type>;<matches_value>;<min_value>;<max_value>
  • Example: max_min;0;30;50 (Alert when the value is out of range 30-50)


  • Syntax: <type>;<max_value>
  • Example: max;70 (Alert when the value is greater than 70)


  • Syntax: <type>;<min_value> :
  • Example: min;30 (Alert when the value is less than 30)

Equal to:

  • Syntax: <type>;<value>
  • Example: equal;0 (Alert when the value is equal to 0)

Different from:

  • Syntax: <type>;<value>
  • Example: not_equal;100 (Alert when the value is different from 100)

Warning status:

  • Syntax: <type>
  • Example: warning (Alert when status changes to warning)

Critical condition:

  • Syntax: <type>
  • Example: critical (Alert when status changes to critical)

Status unknown:

  • Syntax: <type>
  • Example: unknown (Alert when status changes to unknown)

Status other than normal:

  • Syntax: <type>
  • Example: not_normal (Alert when the status is different from normal - warning, critical, et cetera -)

Change status:

  • Syntax: <type>;<matches_value>
  • Example: on_change;1 (Alert when the value changes)


  • Syntax: <type>
  • Example: always (Always alert)

Field <days>:

  • There are seven binary characters that specify the days of the week when the alert will be activated. e.g.: 0000011 to activate the alert only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_alert_template \
 "Template name" \
 "max_min@1@3@5" \
 "09:00 18:00" \
 "It sends an email when the value is in the interval 3-5, between 9 AM and 6 PM, and only on Mondays. The separator is forced to @" \
 "Unknown" \
 "[email protected]" \
 "subject" \
 "message" \
 "3" \
 "Mail to XXX" \
 "1000000" \
 "38600" \
 "1" \
 "2" \
 "0" \


Required parameter: < template_name >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: An alert template will be deleted if it exists.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_alert_template "Critical condition" "" "" "" "" "" ""



  • < template_name >
  • < field_to_update >
  • < new_value >

Description: A given field of an existing alert template will be updated.

For < field_to_update > the possible fields are:

  • name
  • description
  • type
  • matches_value
  • value
  • min_value
  • max_value
  • time_threshold (0-1)
  • time_from
  • time_to
  • monday (0-1)
  • tuesday (0-1)
  • wednesday (0-1)
  • thursday (0-1)
  • friday (0-1)
  • saturday (0-1)
  • sunday (0-1)
  • min_alerts
  • max_alerts
  • recovery_notify (0-1)
  • field_1
  • field_2
  • field_3
  • recovery_field_2
  • recovery_field_3
  • priority (0-4)
  • default_action
  • group_name

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_alert_template "Template name" "priority" "4"


Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters:

  • < action_name >
  • < separator >
  • < format >

Description: Returns all alert actions. Optionally you can filter the result by keyword. Optionally in the second parameter you can specify the separator of the results and in the third parameter the format of the result.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.jim --get_alert_actions '%28' ';' csv

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Only for Command Center (Metaconsole).


  • < server_name >
  • < action_name >
  • < separator >
  • < return_type>

Description: Returns all the alert actions of the Command Center (Metaconsole). Optionally you can filter the result by node name or by action name. In the second parameter you can specify the separator of the results and in the third parameter the format of the returned list (csv, json, string).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_alert_actions_meta  'Action 1' ';' 'json'

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .



  • < command_name >
  • < command >
  • < id_group >
  • < description >
  • < internal >
  • < fields_descriptions >
  • < fields_values >

Description: A command will be created with the specified name and command data.

Optionally, it can be specified:

  • Group name. If no group is provided, it will be assigned to the All group.
  • Command Description.
  • Internal (1-0).
  • Description of fields in the following format: [“description_1”,“description_2”,“description_3”,“description_4”,“description_5”].
  • Value of the fields in the following format: [“value_1”,“value_2”,“value_3”,“value_4”,“value_5”].

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_alert_command \
 'Test' 'command' 'All' 'Desc' '1' \
 '["des1","des2","des3","","des5","","","","",""]' \ 


Required parameters: None.

Optional parameteres:

  • < command_name >
  • < command_it_self >
  • < group_name >
  • 1 to list commands for internal use in PFMS, 0 to list other commands.

Description: It allows to see all the alerts commands. Optionally you can filter the result by keyword in the following fields: command name, code that executes the alert command, group name, description or if it is for internal use.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_alert_commands "log" "echo" "" "0"

It is not possible to filter by All agent group since it is an system group that does not exist in the database.


Required parameters:

  • < template_alert_name >
  • < id_agent >
  • < id_module >

Optional parameters:

  • use_alias if this option is used, the agent's alias must be entered instead of its identifier.

Description: Validates an alert given an alert template name, an agent ID and a module ID.

Example (see call and syntax):

Assuming that an alert is set in the agent that is installed by default with PFMS.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --validate_alert "Critical condition" pandora.internals 99 use_alias


Parameters: None.

Description: All alerts will be validated.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --validate_all_alerts



  • < special_day >
  • < same_day >
  • < description >
  • < group_name >

Description: Create a special day.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_special_day "2024-05-03" "sunday" "description" "All"


Parameters: < special_day >

Description: Delete specified special day.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_special_day "2014-05-03"


Required parameters:

  • < valor > 1 para activar, 1 para desactivar.

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Enables or disables the token Event storm protection. If enabled, no events or alerts will be generated while still receiving data (agent checks).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --set_event_storm_protection 1



  • < special_day >
  • < field_to_change >
  • < new_value >

Description: Modify a specific field of a special day. The fields that can be updated are: same_day, description y group_name.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_special_day "2014-05-03" "same_day" "monday"



Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < password >
  • < is_admin >

Optional parameters:

  • < comment >

Description: A user will be created with the user identifier (which will be also its user name) and the received password. In addition, a binary value (< is_admin >; 0 false or 1 true) will be received specifying if the user will be superadmin] or not. Optionally, a comment about the created user can be added.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_user "user7500" "user 7500" "0" "This user has the password 'user 7500'"

This function also works in the Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameter:

  • < id_user >

Description: A user will be deleted by passing its name as a parameter. This command only informs about the deletion process, you can verify if a user exists or not using the command update_user.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_user user02

This function also works in the Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < field_name_to_update >
  • < new_value >

The fields available for < field_name_to_update > are:

  1. email
  2. phone
  3. is_admin: ¿Is superadmin? (0 false,1 true).
  5. fullname
  6. password
  7. language, posible values:
  • default, takes the language selected in the general configuration.
  • ca, Catalan.
  • en_GB, English UK.
  • es, Spanish.
  • fr, French.
  • ru, Russian.
  • ja, Japanese.
  • zh_CN, Chinese (simplified).

Description: An existing user is updated with the given field.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_user "user 7500" password "XYZ"

This function also works in the Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameter:

  • < user_id >

Description: An existent user will be enabled. If it's already enabled, will showed only a message.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --enable_user "user7500"

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameter:

  • < user_id >

Description: An existent user will be disabled. If it's already disabled, will showed only a message.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_user "user7500"

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < profile_name >
  • < rights_list > 1 to grant permission to the new profile or 0 to deny it, in this order:
  1. AR View agents.
  2. AW Edit agents.
  3. AD Disable agents.
  4. LW Edit alerts.
  5. LM Manage alerts.
  6. UM Manage users.
  7. DM Manage database.
  8. ER View events.
  9. EW Edit events.
  10. EM Manage events.
  11. RR View reports.
  12. RW Edit reports.
  13. RM Manage reports.
  14. MR View network maps.
  15. MW Edit network maps.
  16. MM Manage network maps.
  17. VR View visual console.
  18. VW Edit visual console.
  19. VM Manage visual console.
  20. PM Pandora FMS management.
  21. NR View NCM data.
  22. NW Operate NCM -you must include NR-.
  23. NM Manage NCM -you must include NW and NR-.

Description: A new profile will be created by passing the profile name and permissions as parameters.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_profile "New profile" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

NG 766 or later: This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < profile_name >
  • < rights_list > 1 to grant permission to the new profile or 0 to deny it, in this order:
  1. AR View agents.
  2. AW Edit agents.
  3. AD Disable agents.
  4. LW Edit alerts.
  5. LM Manage alerts.
  6. UM Manage users.
  7. DM Manage database.
  8. ER View events.
  9. EW Edit events.
  10. EM Manage events.
  11. RR View reports.
  12. RW Edit reports.
  13. RM Manage reports.
  14. MR View network maps.
  15. MW Edit network maps.
  16. MM Manage network maps.
  17. VR View visual console.
  18. VW Edit visual console.
  19. VM Manage visual console.
  20. PM Pandora FMS management.
  21. NR View NCM data.
  22. NW Operate NCM -you must include NR-.
  23. NM Manage NCM -you must include NW and NR-.

Descripción: A existent profile will be updated by passing the profile name and permissions as parameters.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_profile "New profile" 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < profile_name >
  • < group_name >

Description: A profile will be added to an user giving it as parameter the names of user, profile an group on which they will have the privileges of this profile. You should specify the group All if you want that the profile has validity on all groups.

Related command: add_profile_to_user.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_profile "User 07" "Group coordinator" "All"

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < tag_name >
  • < group_name >
  • < profile_name >

Description: To the profile and group assigned to a user add a tag.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_tag_to_user_profile 'User 7500' 'dmz' 'Servers' 'Chief Operator'

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < profile_name >
  • < group_name >

Description: An user profile will be deleted giving it as parameter the names of user, profile and group.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_profile "User 07" "Chief Operator" "Applications"

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Required parameters:

  • < id_user >
  • < profile_name >

Optional parameter:

  • < group_name >

Description: Add a existing profile in group to a user. If the group is not provided, the grupo will be All.

Related command: add_profile.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_profile_to_user 'user01' 'Chief Operator' 'Network'

This function also works in Command Center (Metaconsole).


Parameters: None.

Description: The EACL system will be disabled in the PFMS general configuration.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_eacl


Parameters: None.

Description: The EACL system will be activated in the general PFMS configuration.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --enable_eacl


Required parameter:

  • < id_user >

Description: The double authentication will be disabled for the specified user.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_double_auth 'admin'


Required parameter:

  • < tag_name >
  • < tag_description > single or double quotation marks can be used for a null description.

Optional aprameters:

  • < tag_url > using any string will open a link in the Web Console.
  • < tag_email >

Description: Creates a new tag].

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_tag "New tag" "My description" "index.php?sec=custom_report&sec2=godmode/reporting/reporting_builder"
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_tag "New tag" "My description" "" "[email protected]"

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .



Required parameters (3):

  • < event_name >
  • < event_type > One of these typified values:
  • unknown
  • alert_fired
  • alert_recovered
  • alert_ceased
  • alert_manual_validation
  • recon_host_detected
  • system
  • error
  • new_agent
  • going_up_warning
  • going_up_critical
  • going_down_warning
  • going_unknown
  • going_down_normal
  • going_down_critical
  • going_up_normal
  • configuration_change
  • Group name.

Optional parameters:

  1. Agent name.
  2. Module name.
  3. Event state (0 if it isn't validated, 1 if is validated and 2 in process).
  4. Severity: 0 (Maintenance), 1 (Informational), 2 (Normal), 3 (Warning), 4 (Critical), 5 (Minor) y 6 (Major).
  5. Template name in the case that is would be associated to one alert.
  6. User name.
  7. Comment.
  8. Source.
  9. Extra id.
  10. Tags: Format should be < tag > < url >,< tag > < url > You can add multiple tags separated by commas. It is important that there are no spaces between the comma and the next label.
  11. Custom data: Custom data should be entered as a JSON document. For example: {“Location”: “Office”, “Priority”: 42} .
  12. Force creation of agent (bool): If the agent name parameter refers to an agent that does not exist, it will be created.
  13. Critical instructions: Add the instructions to be performed in the case of a critical condition
  14. Warning instructions: Add the instructions to be performed in the case of a warning condition
  15. Unknown instructions: Add the instructions to perform in case of going to unknown state
  16. Use agent aliases, use textual use_alias. Two single quotes must be specified together, with no space between them) if you use the following parameter below.
  17. Command Center (Metaconsole): Server identifier.

Description: An event will be created with these data: the name and kind of the event, name of the module, agent and group associated.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_event \
    'Event CLI' \
    system \
    Firewalls \
    'My agent' 'My module' 0 4 Template004 \


Required parameters:

  • < agent_name >

Optional parameters:

  • < module_name >
  • < date_time_min >
  • < date_time_max >
  • < owner_name >
  • < id_criticality > One of these values: 0 (maintenance), 1 (informational), 2 (normal), 3 (warning), 4 (critical), 5 (minor).
  • < template_name >
  • use_alias if you do not know the name of the agent, you can search by his or her alias.

Description: All the events will be validated according to a series of filters. The configurable filters are the name of the agent, the name of the module, a minimum date and time and a maximum date and time, the name of the user who owns the event, the criticality identifier and the name of the associated template.

You can combine the parameters in many ways, leaving blank with empty quotation marks "" or '' the ones you do not want to use (including the agent name) and filling in the others.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --validate_event 'My agent' 'My module'  '2024-06-02 22:02'


Required parameter: < id_event >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Allows to validate an event by means of its numeric integer identifier.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf 1234


Required parameter:

  • < id_event >

Optional parameter:

  • < separator > by default |.

Descriptión: The information of an event given its identifier will be displayed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_event_info 341


Required parameters:

  • < id_event >
  • < id_user >
  • < comment >

Description: Add a comment to an event with a specified registered user.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_event_comment "1234" "admin" "TEXT"


Required parameter: < id_event >

Description: Set a event to “In progress” state by its numeric id.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --event_in_progress 123

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters:

  • < id_event >
  • < id_custom_event >

Description: It adds a custom identifier to an event.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --update_event_custom_id "232" "CLI test"

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .



Required parameteres:

  • < new_monitoring_policy_name >
  • < agent_group_name >

Optional parameter:

  • < description >

Description: A policy with the specified name and belonging to the specified group will be created.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy "New policy" "Workstations" "All desktop computers."


Required parameters:

  • < numeric_policy_id > If the optional parameters are omitted, the policy will be applied to all agents belonging to it.

Optional parameters:

  1. < numeric_agent_id >
  2. < use_numeric_id > The default 0, to use the agent name in the optional parameter one you must specify 1 in this parameter.
  3. < server_id > If you are working in a centralized environment this parameter must be specified, indicating the server to which the monitoring policy will be executed and applied.

Description: A policy] will be applied in a forced way. Within the process of applying a policy is: the creation of the policy modules in all its associated agents, the creation of the policy alerts in the created modules, and making changes in the configuration file of the local agents that may have the policy to add the created modules and the collections associated to the policy.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --apply_policy 6 1 0 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Parameters: None.

Description: Adds to the application queue all the policies. The server is the one who observes the queue and applies the monitoring policies.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --apply_all_policies


Required parameters:

  • < agent_name >
  • < policy_name >

Optional parameter:

  • use_alias

Description: An existing agent is added to an existing policy by specifying its name or, if the optional parameter is used, its alias.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_agent_to_policy "pandorafms agent" "Basic Linux Monitoring" use_alias


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < collection_name >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: An existing collection will be added to an existing policy.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_collection_to_policy "Basic Remote Checks" "Apache Enterprise Plugin"


Required parameter: < collection_id >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Re-create the files of a collection.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --recreate_collection 1



  • < policy_name >
  • < component_name >

Description: A module taken from an existing local component will be added to an existing policy.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \
 --create_policy_data_module_from_local_component \
 "Monitoring policy name" \
 "Local component name"


Parameters: None.

Description: All modules that do not belong to any policy will be removed from both the database and the agent configuration file (if any).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_not_policy_modules


Required parameters:

  • < policy_id >
  • < agent_id >

Description: Removes an agent from a policy. It is necessary to specify the numerical identifier of the monitoring policy and the identifier of the agent to be deleted.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --remove_agent_from_policy '1' '1'

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter: < policy_name >

Optional parameter: None.

Description: All alerts of a policy passed by parameter will be marked as disabled.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --disable_policy_alerts "Basic HP-UX Local Monitoring"


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < tipo_modulo >

Optional parameters:

  • < description >
  • < module_group >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < post_process >
  • < interval >
  • < warning_min >
  • < warning_max >
  • < critical_min >
  • < critical_max >
  • < history_data >
  • < data_configuration >
  • < warning_str >
  • < critical_str >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < ff_threshold >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_threshold_normal >
  • < ff_threshold_warning >
  • < ff_threshold_critical >
  • < ff_timeout >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions >
  • ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.

Description: A data module will be created in a policy. The default values are the same as for the --create_data_module option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy_data_module 'Policy name' 'Module name' generic_proc 'Module description' 'group module' 0 100 0 300 30 60 61 100 0 'module_begin\nmodule_name modname\nmodule_end' 'Warning string' 'Critical string'


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < module_type > web_data, web_proc, web_content_data, web_content_string.

Optional parameters:

  • < description >
  • < module_group >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < post_process >
  • < interval >
  • < warning_min >
  • < warning_max >
  • < critical_min >
  • < critical_max >
  • < history_data >
  • < retries >
  • < requests >
  • < agent_browser_id >
  • < auth_server >
  • < auth_realm >
  • < configuration_data >
  • < proxy_url >
  • < proxy_auth_login >
  • < proxy_auth_password >
  • < warning_str >
  • < critical_str >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < ff_threshold >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_threshold_normal >
  • < ff_threshold_warning >
  • < ff_threshold_critical >
  • < ff_timeout >
  • < warning_inverse >
  • < critical_inverse >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions >
  • ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.

Description: A web module will be created in a policy. The default values are the same as for the --create_web_module option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy_web_module 'Policy name' 'Module name' web_data 'Module description' 'General' 0 100 0 300 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 'Pandora FMS' auto public 'module_begin\nmodule_name modname\nmodule_end' 'http://proxy.url' 'proxy_login' 'proxy_password' 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 'critical_instructions' 'warning_instructions' 'unknown_instructions'


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < module_type >

Optional parameters:

  • < module_port > numerical value between 1 and 65535.
  • < description >
  • < module_group >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < post_process >
  • < interval >
  • < warning_min >
  • < warning_max >
  • < critical_min >
  • < critical_max >
  • < history_data >
  • < ff_threshold >
  • < warning_str >
  • < critical_str >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_threshold_normal >
  • < ff_threshold_warning >
  • < ff_threshold_critical >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions >
  • ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.

Description: A network module will be created in a policy. The default values are the same as for the --create_network_module option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy_network_module 'Policy name' 'Module name' remote_icmp_proc 22 'Module description' 'Name group' 0 100 0 300 30 60 61 100 0 0 'Warning string' 'Critical string'


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < module_type >
  • < module_port >
  • < version >

Optional parameters:

  • < community >
  • < oid >
  • < description >
  • < module_group >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < post_process >
  • < interval >
  • < warning_min >
  • < warning_max >
  • < critical_min >
  • < critical_max >
  • < history_data >
  • < snmp3_priv_method >
  • < snmp3_priv_pass >
  • < snmp3_sec_level >
  • < snmp3_auth_method >
  • < snmp3_auth_user >
  • < snmp3_priv_pass >
  • < ff_threshold >
  • < warning_str >
  • < critical_str >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_threshold_normal >
  • < ff_threshold_warning >
  • < ff_threshold_critical >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions >
  • ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.

Description: An SNMP module will be created in a policy. The default values are the same as for the --create_snmp_module option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy_snmp_module 'Policy name' 'Module name' remote_snmp_inc 8080 1 mycommunity myoid 'Module description'


Required parameters:

  • < policy_name >
  • < module_name >
  • < module_kind >
  • < module_port > numerical value between 1 and 65535.
  • < plugin_name >
  • < user >
  • < password >
  • < parameters >

Optional parameters:

  • < description >
  • < module_group >
  • < min >
  • < max >
  • < post_process >
  • < interval >
  • < warning_min >
  • < warning_max >
  • < critical_min >
  • < critical_max >
  • < history_data >
  • < warning_str >
  • < critical_str >
  • < enable_unknown_events >
  • < each_ff >
  • < ff_threshold_normal >
  • < ff_threshold_warning >
  • < ff_threshold_critical >
  • < critical_instructions >
  • < warning_instructions >
  • < unknown_instructions>
  • ignore_unknown Discards the unknown state calculation, so that the module will never change to that state and will always keep the last known state.

Description: A module of type plugin will be created in a policy. The default values are the same as for the --create_plugin_module option.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_policy_plugin_module 'Policy name' 'Module name' generic_data 22 myplugin myuser mypass 'param1 param2 param3' 'Module description' 'General' 1 3 0 300 0 0 0 0 1 'Warning string' 'Critical string'


Required parameter: < policy_name >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Validates all alerts for a given policy.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --validate_policy_alerts "Basic Linux Monitoring"


Required parameter: < policy_name >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Gets the list of modules (numeric identifier and name) of a given policy.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_policy_modules "Basic Linux Monitoring"


Required parameters: None.

Optional parameters:

  • < agent_name >
  • use_alias to search by agent alias.


  • Without parameters: Obtains all policies (numeric identifier and name).
  • Agent name: Gets the policies of an agent (list agent name, numeric policy identifier and policy name).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_policies "pandorafms agent" use_alias



Required parameters:

  • < new_filter_name >
  • < agent_group_name >
  • < filter_as_such >
  • < aggregated_by > One of the following values: none, dstip, dstport, proto, srcip, srcport.
  • < formato_de_salida > kilobytes, kilobytespersecond, megabytes, megabytespersecond.

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Create a new filter to monitor via NetFlow®.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_netflow_filter "New filter" "Network" "host OR host or HOST" dstport kilobytes



Required parameters (see case study):

  • < command_to_execute >
  • < parameters_of_the_command_to_execute >

Description: With this option it is possible to execute any CLI PFMS command with macros from a CSV file. The number of macros will correspond to the number of columns in the CSV file. Each macro will be called __FIELD1__, __FIELD2__, __FIELD3__, … , __FIELDn__.

Commas in CSV columns are not yet supported.

Case study:

Register users with the command create_user from CSV file /tmp/users_csv:

User 1,Password 1,0
User 2,Password 2,0
User 3,Password 3,0
User Admin,Password Admin,1

Sentence to be executed (line connectors are included for didactic purposes):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --exec_from_file \
  /tmp/users_csv \
  create_user \
  __FIELD1__ \
  __FIELD2__ \
  __FIELD3__ \
  'Created by exec_from_file CLI PFMS command'


Required parameters:

  • < snmp_trap_name > As will be seen in the SNMP traps console.
  • < OID >
  • < description >
  • < severity > Numeric value, one of the following values: 0 (Maintenance), 1 (Info) , 2 (Normal), 3 (Warning), 4 (Critical), 5 (Minor), 6 (Major).

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_snmp_trap "Cisco_FAN_Crash" "" "Something happen with the FAN inside the CISCO device, probably a failure" "3"


Parameters: None.

Starts the snmptrapd process in the SNMP traps server]. In case it is already started, it terminates this service (kill command) and executes it again, deleting all the traps located in the exchange log located by default in:


Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --start_snmptrapd


Required parameter:

  • < PFMS_server_name >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: The option multiprocess should be enabled so that the PFMS servers are executed in individual processes and can be detected by this command. Once this configuration is done, using this command without parameters will list the servers running and with their corresponding names to be terminated, one by one.

Example (see call and her syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --kill dataserver



Required parameters:

  • < new_graph_name >
  • < description >
  • < id_user >
  • < id_group >
  • < width >
  • < height >
  • < events >
  • < graph_type > By default 0 (Area) or one of the follow values:
  1. Stacked area.
  2. Line.
  3. Stacked line.
  4. Bullet chart.
  5. Gauge.
  6. Horizontal bars.
  7. Vertical bars.
  8. Pie chart.
  • < period >
  • < modules >
  • < modules_separator >

Description: A chart will be created with the specified elements. Two or more modules must be distinguished with < modules_separator >, which must always be specified, even for a single module.

Although all parameters are mandatory, some can be left empty using single quotes. In such cases the default values taken by the parameters are as follows:

  • Width: 550.
  • Height: 210.
  • Period: 86400 (in seconds).
  • Events: 0.
  • Graph type: 0.
  • ID gruop: 0.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_custom_graph "New graph" "Graph created by CLI PFMS" "admin" "0" "" "" "0" "2" "" "1;2;3" ";"


Required parameters:

  • < graphic_id_to_edit >
  • < graphic_name_to_edit >
  • < description_to_edit >
  • < id_user_to_edit >
  • < group_id_to_edit >
  • < width_to_edit >
  • < height_to_edit >
  • < events_to_edit >
  • < grapht_type_to_edit > By default 0 (Area) or one of the follow values:
  1. Stacked area.
  2. Line.
  3. Stacked line.
  4. Bullet chart.
  5. Gauge.
  6. Horizontal bars.
  7. Vertical bars.
  8. Pie chart.
  • < period_to_edit >

Description: A chart will be edited with the specified elements. All parameters are mandatory, but some can be left empty with single quotes. If this happens, the values will be the ones the chart already had before editing.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --edit_custom_graph "1" "" "edit graph by CLI" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 3600


Required parameters:

  1. < id_graph >
  2. < id_modules > up to a maximum of 10 modules, delimited with < separator >.
  3. < separator >

Description: The modules specified in the selected chart will be added. Although more than 10 modules can be added, only the first 10 will be displayed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_modules_to_graph 1 '1,2,3' ','
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_modules_to_graph 1 '4;5;6;7' ';'


Required parameters:

  • < id_graph >
  • < id_modules > numeric module identifiers must be delimited with < separator >
  • < separator >

Description: The specified modules will be removed from the selected chart.

Example (see call and syntax): /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_modules_to_graph "1" "2,4,6" ","



Required parameters:

  • < cluster_name >
  • < cluster_type > solamente AA o AP.
  • < description >
  • < group_id >

Description: A cluster will be created with the specified parameters and its associated elements.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --new_cluster \
 "New cluster" "AA" "My description" "2"

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter:

  • < json_data_base64 > in JSON format, then encoded in base 64: pairs of values with the cluster identifier and the agent identifier. Example:

Description: A specific agent will be added to the specified cluster. It is absolutely required that the JSON data be base 64 encoded.

Continuation of the previous example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_cluster_agent \ 

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .

add_cluster_item (active / active)


JSON data with this fields:

  • name: (string value).
  • id_cluster: (numeric value).
  • type: AA (means “Active/Active”).
  • critical_limit: (numeric value).
  • warning_limit: (numeric value).

Example JSON:

    "name": "Swap_Used",
    "id_cluster": 5,
    "type": "AA",
    "critical_limit": 80,
    "warning_limit": 60
    "name": "TCP_Connections",
    "id_cluster": 5,
    "type": "AA",
    "critical_limit": 80,
    "warning_limit": 60

Description: A specific module will be added as an item to the specified cluster.

It is absolutely necessary that JSON data is encoded on base 64.

Continuation of previous example (see call and syntax):

perl /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_cluster_agent WwogIHsKICAgICJuYW1lIjogIlN3YXBfVXNlZCIsCiAgICAiaWRfY2x1c3RlciI6IDUsCiAgICAidHlwZSI6ICJBQSIsCiAgICAiY3JpdGljYWxfbGltaXQiOiA4MCwKICAgICJ3YXJuaW5nX2xpbWl0IjogNjAKICB9LAogIHsKICAgICJuYW1lIjogIlRDUF9Db25uZWN0aW9ucyIsCiAgICAiaWRfY2x1c3RlciI6IDUsCiAgICAidHlwZSI6ICJBQSIsCiAgICAiY3JpdGljYWxfbGltaXQiOiA4MCwKICAgICJ3YXJuaW5nX2xpbWl0IjogNjAKICB9Cl0=

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .

add_cluster_item (active / passive)


JSON data with this fields:

  • name: (string value).
  • id_cluster: (numeric value).
  • type: AP (means “Active/Passive”).
  • critical_limit: (numeric value).
  • warning_limit: (numeric value).

Example JSON:

    "name": "DiskUsed_/proc/kcore",
    "id_cluster": 5,
    "type": "AP",
    "is_critical": 1
    "name": "DiskUsed_/proc/sched_debug",
    "id_cluster": 5,
    "type": "AP",
    "is_critical": 1

Description: A specific module will be added as an item to the specified cluster.

It is absolutely necessary that JSON data is encoded on base 64.

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --add_cluster_item \

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter: < id_cluster >

Description: Getting cluster status.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --get_cluster_status 7

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter: < cluster_id >

Description: A cluster will be deleted.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_cluster 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameters:

  • < agent_id >
  • < cluster_id >

Description: An agent added to a cluster will be disassociated

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_cluster_agent 1 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .


Required parameter: < item_id >

Description: A cluster item will be deleted

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_cluster_item 1

For it to be carried out correctly, the API configuration parameters will need to be filled in pandora_server.conf (configuration file elements) : console_api_url and console_api_pass .

Visual Consoles


Required parameters:

  1. < name >
  2. < background_image > one file stored in …/pandora_console/images/console/background/.
  3. < widht >
  4. < heigth >
  5. < group_name >
  6. < mode > static_objects o auto_creation: In the first way the elements will be created without taking into account the position where to place the elements (the position described in the element JSON itself will be used), see case study 1. If the mode is auto_creation a coordinate tapestry must be set (field < position_to_locate_elements > ) and the algorithm will automatically set the position and size of each of the elements, see case study 2.

Optional parameters:

  • < position_to_locate_elements >
  • < background_color > in hexadecimal format.
  • < elements > in JSON format. It is absolutely necessary that the parameters in JSON are enclosed in single quotes in order to include the double quotes of the data.

Description: A Visual Console will be created with the specified parameters and their associated elements.

Due to database restrictions, each element to be added in the JSON (last parameter) must contain the following elements:

"id_layout_linked_weight": 0, "element_group": 0,"show_on_top":0

Case study 1

Example with auto_creation and line connectors (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_visual_console \
 'Visual Console test 1' \
 'map-africa.png' \
 '1024' \
 '768' \
 '12' \
 'auto_creation' \
 '{"pos1x":0,"pos1y":60,"pos2x":800,"pos2y":600}' \
 '#FFF' \
 '[{"image": "_engine","height": 0,"width": 0,"label": "","type": 0,"period": 300,"id_agent": 1,"id_agente_modulo": 0,"id_group": 0,"id_layout_linked": 0,"parent_item": 0,"enable_link": 1,"id_metaconsole": 0,"id_custom_graph": 0,"border_width": 0,"border_color": "","fill_color": "","type_graph": "area","label_position": "down","id_layout_linked_weight": 0, "element_group": 0,"show_on_top":0},{"image": "_printer","height": 0,"width": 0,"label": "","type": 0,"period": 300,"id_agent": 2,"id_agente_modulo": 0,"id_group": 0,"id_layout_linked": 0,"parent_item": 0,"enable_link": 1,"id_metaconsole": 0,"id_custom_graph": 0,"border_width": 0,"border_color": "","fill_color": "","type_graph": "area","label_position": "down","id_layout_linked_weight": 0, "element_group": 0,"show_on_top":0}]'

The second JSON is illustrated:

    "image": "_engine",
    "height": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "label": "",
    "type": 0,
    "period": 300,
    "id_agent": 1,
    "id_agente_modulo": 0,
    "id_group": 0,
    "id_layout_linked": 0,
    "parent_item": 0,
    "enable_link": 1,
    "id_metaconsole": 0,
    "id_custom_graph": 0,
    "border_width": 0,
    "border_color": "",
    "fill_color": "",
    "type_graph": "area",
    "label_position": "down",
    "id_layout_linked_weight": 0,
    "element_group": 0,
    "show_on_top": 0
    "image": "_printer",
    "height": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "label": "",
    "type": 0,
    "period": 300,
    "id_agent": 2,
    "id_agente_modulo": 0,
    "id_group": 0,
    "id_layout_linked": 0,
    "parent_item": 0,
    "enable_link": 1,
    "id_metaconsole": 0,
    "id_custom_graph": 0,
    "border_width": 0,
    "border_color": "",
    "fill_color": "",
    "type_graph": "area",
    "label_position": "down",
    "id_layout_linked_weight": 0,
    "element_group": 0,
    "show_on_top": 0

Case study 2

Example with static_objects and line connectors (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_visual_console \
 'Visual Console test 2' \
 'mapa-asia.png' \
 '1024' \
 '768' \
 '12' \
 'static_objects' \
 '' \
 '#FFF' \
 '[{"image": "_engine","pos_x":100,"pos_y":100,"height": 0,"width": 0,"label": "","type": 0,"period": 300,"id_agent": 1,"id_agente_modulo": 0,"id_group": 0,"id_layout_linked": 0,"parent_item": 0,"enable_link": 1,"id_metaconsole": 0,"id_custom_graph": 0,"border_width": 0,"border_color": "","fill_color": "","type_graph": "area","label_position": "down","id_layout_linked_weight": 0, "element_group": 0,"show_on_top":0},{"image": "_printer","pos_x":400,"pos_y":100,"height": 0,"width": 0,"label": "","type": 0,"period": 300,"id_agent": 2,"id_agente_modulo": 0,"id_group": 0,"id_layout_linked": 0,"parent_item": 0,"enable_link": 1,"id_metaconsole": 0,"id_custom_graph": 0,"border_width": 0,"border_color": "","fill_color": "","type_graph": "area","label_position": "down","id_layout_linked_weight": 0, "element_group": 0,"show_on_top":0}]'

The last JSON is illustrated:

    "image": "_engine",
    "pos_x": 100,
    "pos_y": 100,
    "height": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "label": "",
    "type": 0,
    "period": 300,
    "id_agent": 1,
    "id_agente_modulo": 0,
    "id_group": 0,
    "id_layout_linked": 0,
    "parent_item": 0,
    "enable_link": 1,
    "id_metaconsole": 0,
    "id_custom_graph": 0,
    "border_width": 0,
    "border_color": "",
    "fill_color": "",
    "type_graph": "area",
    "label_position": "down",
    "id_layout_linked_weight": 0,
    "element_group": 0,
    "show_on_top": 0
    "image": "_printer",
    "pos_x": 400,
    "pos_y": 100,
    "height": 0,
    "width": 0,
    "label": "",
    "type": 0,
    "period": 300,
    "id_agent": 2,
    "id_agente_modulo": 0,
    "id_group": 0,
    "id_layout_linked": 0,
    "parent_item": 0,
    "enable_link": 1,
    "id_metaconsole": 0,
    "id_custom_graph": 0,
    "border_width": 0,
    "border_color": "",
    "fill_color": "",
    "type_graph": "area",
    "label_position": "down",
    "id_layout_linked_weight": 0,
    "element_group": 0,
    "show_on_top": 0

Case study 3

Visual console with all available elements:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_visual_console \
"Visual Console with all elements" \
"map-southamerica.png" \
1024 \
768 \
12 \
"static_objects" \
"" \
"#000000" \


Required parameters (see description for details):

  • < visual_console_console_number_id_to_change >
  • < name >
  • < background_image >
  • < width >
  • < height >
  • < group_name >
  • < mode >
  • < position_to_locate_elements >
  • < background_color >
  • < elements >

Optional parameters: None.

Description: Works in conjunction with the export_json_visual_console command and allows you to edit an existing visual console and its elements. This command displays on screen the complete data of a registered visual console which can be copied and pasted to be modified.

After having called edit_visual_console and the numeric identifier of the visual console to be modified, the modified text can be pasted.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --create_visual_console \
 "My Visual Console" \
 "None.png" \
 1024 \
 768 \
 9 \
 "static_objects" \
 "" \
 "#ffffff" \

It will return something like this (note the numeric identifier, in this case 14):

 [*] DB Host is
[INFO] Creating visual console 'My Visual Console' 

[INFO] The visual console id is '14' 

[root@pandorafms ~]# 
  • Export the code with the command export_json_visual_console, it is important that the last parameter is set to one to obtain the numerical identifiers of each of the elements (although in this case no item is registered).
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --export_json_visual_console "14" "" "1"

It will return something like this (the complete line must be copied below the second informational message [INFO]):

 [*] DB Host is
[INFO] Exporting visual console elements with ID '14' 

[INFO] JSON file now contents: 
"My Visual Console" "None.png" 1024 768 9 "static_objects" "" "#ffffff" '[]'

[root@pandorafms ~]# 
  • Invoke the command edit_visual_console, a space, the console identifier, visual, another space and paste the code obtained in the previous step. Modify the name (or other element or elements).
pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --edit_visual_console \
 "14" \
 "My MODIFIED Visual Console" \
 "None.png" \
 1024 \
 768 \
 9 \
 "static_objects" \
 "" \
 "#ffffff" \

It will return something similar to the following:

 [*] DB Host is
[INFO] The visual console with id 14 is updated 

[root@pandorafms ~]# 

It can be confirmed by the PFMS Web Console or by invoking the command export_json_visual_console again.


Required parameter:

  • < visual_console_id >

Description: The visual console specified by means of its numerical identifier will be eliminated, in case of specifying a non-existent visual console, an error message will be displayed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console "1"


Required parameters:

  • < id_item >
  • < filter >
  • < filter_value >

Description: The elements associated to a visual console will be eliminated following a filter. The available filters are:

  • image to delete all items that have an exact image name.
  • id_agent to delete all items that have a particular numeric agent identifier.
  • id_agente_modulo to delete all items that have a particular numeric module identifier.
  • id_group to delete all items belonging to a specific numerical agent group identifier. By default, and unless they have been modified, all the items belong to the All group identified with the value 0, specifying this value will delete most of the elements.
  • type_graph to delete all items that have a particular type of graphic. By default, and unless modified, all items are set to area, specifying this value will delete most items.
  • type to remove all items by their element type:
  • 0 Static image.
  • 1 Module Graph.
  • 2 Simple value.
  • 4 Label.
  • 5 Icon.
  • 10 Service.
  • 11 Group.
  • 12 Box.
  • 13 Line.
  • 14 Event history graph.
  • 15 Percentile item.
  • 17 Serialized pie graph.
  • 18 Bars graph.
  • 19 Clock.
  • 20 Color cloud.
  • 21 Network link.
  • 22 Odometer.
  • 23 Basic Chart.

Example (see call and syntax):

To delete all items containing the image network in the visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" image "network"

To delete all items showing agent 3 in the visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" id_agent "3"

To delete all items representing module 2 in the visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" id_agente_modulo "2"

To delete all items belonging to group 4 in visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" id_group "4"

To delete all items using the horizontal chart type in the visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" type_graph "horizontal"

To delete all items of type Odometer (22) in the visual console 1:

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --delete_visual_console_objects \
 "1" type "22"


Required parameters:

  • < id_visual_console_to_copy >
  • < number_of_copies > the suffix _n will be added from 1 to n.

Optional parameter:

  • < prefix > will be added as a prefix and in addition the suffix _n from 0 to n-1.

Description: The indicated visual console will be duplicated the number of times needed.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --duplicate_visual_console "1" "7" "copy of visual console #1"


Required parameter:

  • < visual_console_id >

Optional parameters:

  • < directory_to_save >
  • < with_element_identifier > 0 or 1, false and true, respectively. For the edit_visual_console command, the numeric identifier of each element is required.

Description: Exports, including data in JSON format, a visual console and its elements. You can specify the path where to save the file and if you want to include the identifiers of the associated elements to facilitate further editing.

Example (see call and syntax):

pandora_manage /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf --export_json_visual_console "1" "/tmp" "1"

If no visual console is registered, it is normal to return this result:

[INFO] JSON file now contents: 
"" ""    "static_objects" "" "" '[]'

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