Cliente case Nuevo manantial

They improved their SLA and now save time and costs in the event of any incident

Nuevo Manantial is a company located in South America, whose main purpose is to provide internal services to a group of companies mainly agro-industrial, being present in America, Europe and Oceania, and reaching a total of more than 60 locations.



Within this diversity of business, among the companies receiving services from Nuevo Manantial we find organic production warehouses with the most advanced technology, production plants for food products. It has also been the main responsible for starting one of the first wind farms in Uruguay, in the district of Rocha, with about 20 wind turbines, accumulating more than 10 years of experience in the sector, since its inauguration in 2006.

As a group of diverse companies in different countries, the needs of each one of them are very different. Management became more complex as the number of companies increased.

As there was no centralized monitoring tool, there was a great difficulty in detecting problems, so it ended up becoming a top priority for the business.

ā€œUndoubtedly, the implementation of Pandora FMS has led to an enormous leap in quality of service, which impacts on the satisfaction of the end user and, after all, in the improvement of the business.ā€

Diego MƔrmol Martƭnez, Global Infrastructure Coordinator


The main need was to monitor the critical systems hosted in the two global regional data centers located in Europe and South America, as well as the rest of the centers and systems that we have locally in the different headquarters and that, due to business needs, require 24×7 availability.

When we talk about critical systems, we are referring to the pure infrastructure of servers -physical or virtual-, storage systems and all the network electronics that ensure the availability of the systems and the connectivity of the sites is what the business demands.

A downtime of one of our critical systems could lead to production stoppages in certain processing plants, resulting in substantial financial losses for the company. Monitoring for this reason is essential for us.




Pandora FMS was recommended to us after analyzing different tools, and we finally opted for this solution because of its flexibility, its capacity for growth and because, compared to other competitors, its price is much lower, without losing quality.


The previous research task to put in order all the systems to be monitored was the most complicated, since we wanted to make sure that the result was the desired one.

Any project to monitor a large infrastructure from practically zero is a huge challenge, as the workload involved in collecting different data – services, IP, topologies, dependencies, etc. – is very high.

Once the internal consulting was finished, putting all the data into the tool was very easy, thanks to the training provided by Pandora FMS, since it helped us to internalize the best practices and, of course, basic and advanced concepts such as the massive deployment of agents, alerts, etc.

The devices we monitor range from the physical and virtual server infrastructure at a higher layer, to the services running on them and their performance metrics, to the network electronics and links of the different sites.

“After analyzing and testing some solutions on the market, we decided on Pandora FMS because of its flexibility and the cost-benefit balance it offered us.”

Diego MƔrmol Martƭnez, Global Infrastructure Coordinator


Pandora FMS allows us to act proactively before a problem occurs and, if unavoidable, allows us to react quickly to minimize the loss or unavailability of systems. We allow us to spend more time taking a coffee with peers, without worrying about what will be going on in that black box that many times are systems. We are very proud of the work done by our technicians to sort out the puzzle of data provided by all our systems, and make it fit into the Pandora FMS console.

Of course, it is difficult to quantify the benefit of a monitoring tool in a company like ours, but we can say that we have saved time and costs in the event of any incident.

Since the implementation of the tool, apart from many headaches and sleepless nights getting our systems back online or trying to detect why an element of the infrastructure was failing, the number of incidents has decreased, as we have been able to react immediately by tackling any problem before it reaches the end user.

Our SLA, by extension, has undoubtedly improved significantly.We hope that the Pandora FMS team will continue to invest in the tool to adapt it to the new needs that arise in such a changing world because the software is a huge support to achieve the service objective and continuous improvement of the Nuevo Manantial business conglomerate.

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