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Modulos generados por el plugin
La ejecución estándar de este plugin devolverá los siguientes módulos por defecto (contodos los b...
Configuración en Pandora FMS
Con el fin de gestionar totalmente la ejecución del plugin desde la consola web, distribuiremos e...
Ejecución manual
Para ejecutar el plugin configure el archivo de configuración según las instrucciones precedentes...
Matriz de compatibilidad
Desarrollado para usar con Powershell v3.0 o superiores.
Plugin para la monitorización de Active Directory, recogiendo información de usuarios yservicios ...
Modules generated by the plugin
The standard execution of this plugin will return the following modules by default (with all opti...
Scheduled execution
It can be executed as a server plugin, as module_plugin in an agent, or from the system cron.
Programmed execution
Run as a server plugin, as module_exec in an agent, or from the system cron.Possible results: ● ...
Manual execution
To run the plugin, configure the configuration file according to the instructions above. Executi...
# Launch a pre-command before invoke docker commands pre_command = eval $(docker-machine env ml1...
Compatibility matrix
This plugin has been developed using Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40.
Ver. 230821This plugin is used to monitor the statistics of a Docker environment.Type: mixed plugin
Required: ● Requires launching from the MANAGER (or REACHABLE ) node of the docker swarm.● Can b...
Use in Pandora FMS
The first thing we should do is to upload the script to an accessible path in the machine where w...
General plugin parameters
python -t <bot_token> -c <chat_id> -m <MESSAGE> [ --api_conf <API_CONF> ]...
Compatibility matrix
Developed using docker 18.03.1-ce
Creating a BOT in Telegram From a Telegram account you must type /start to the user BotFather (h...
Docker allows us to deploy applications in an agile, dynamic, precise and simple way. With Docker...
Creación del BOT en Telegram Desde una cuenta de Telegram se debe escribir /start al usuario Bot...
New Page
The requirements are as follows: A Telegram account to create the bot Add the bot to the notif...