Recently Updated Pages
In order to run the plugin, we must have python3 installed, this can be done with the following c...
Required: An installation of ldap Python3 installed The python-ldap module installed. To ha...
Ver. 4-08-2021 With this plug-in we will be able to see the metrics of your ldap server. Type: ...
Matriz de compatibilidad
Sistemas donde se ha probado CentOS 7 Sistemas donde debería funcionar Cualquier sis...
Modulos generados por el plugin
Se creara un agente por cada instancia de nuestra instalación openstack, con sus métricas . Apart...
Modules generated by the plugin
The following modules will be created in the pandora agent: Apache : Busy workers Apache: B...
Configuration in pandora
In the pandora terminal, once downloaded, we will move it to the /etc/pandora/plugins folder, whi...
Manual execution
./apache_plugin <url-server-status> will return an xml with data:
Required: Have wget installed Have the apache server status module enabled
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7 Systems where it should work Any linux sys...
View. With this plug-in we will be able to monitor our apache server. Type: Agent plug-in
Modulos creados por el plugin
Se nos crearan los siguientes módulos en el agente de pandora : Apache : Busy workers workers...
Configuracion en pandora
En el terminal de pandora, una vez descargado, lo moveremos a la carpeta /etc/pandora/plugins que...
Ejecucion manual del plugin
./apache_plugin <url-server-status> Devolvera un xml con datos :
Pre requisitos
Se requiere: Tener instalado wget Tener activado el módulo status del servidor apache
Matriz de compatibilidad
Sistemas donde se ha probado CentOS 7 Sistemas donde debería funcionar Cualquier sis...
Introducción Ver.Con este plug-in podremos monitorizar nuestro servidor apache Tipo: Plug-in ...
Modules generated by the plugin
An agent will be created for each machine in our openstack installation., with its metrics (to lo...
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find the API authentication url of my openstack installation? In API access, the "Co...
Manual execution
We can test the plugin from the terminal to see if it works, to check it, we run the plugin: