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Configuration in Pandora
In order to fully manage the plugin execution from the web console, we will distribute the plugin...
Manual execution
To run the plugin, configure the configuration file according to the preceding instructions. The ...
The Active Directory plugin configuration file is divided into blocks:User # User user = all u...
El fichero de configuración del plugin Active Directory se divide en bloques:Usuario # User use...
Active Directory monitoring plugin, collecting information from users and related services.
Compatibility matrix
Developed to be used with Powershell v3.0 or higher
Ejecución manual
Podemos comprobar el plugin desde el terminal para ver si funciona, para comprobarlo, ejecutamos ...
Ver. 25-08-2021Con este plug-in podremos ver los stats de una base de datos y de sus colecciones,...
Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action
The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> ...
Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de una acción de alerta
Las acciones de alerta permiten definir el cómo lanzar el comando. Vaya al menú Alerts -> Actions...
Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command
Open a terminal window and access the Pandora FMS server. Download (and unzip) from the Pandora F...
Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de un comando de alerta
Abra una ventana terminal y acceda al servidor Pandora FMS. Descargue (y descomprima) desde la li...
Google Chat settings: chat room
Once you have logged in and have been identified with your user credentials, go to the chat room ...
Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action
The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> ...
Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de una acción de alerta
Las acciones de alerta permiten definir el cómo lanzar el comando. Vaya al menú Alerts -> Actions...
Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command
In the Pandora FMS Library you can find the integration with Discord as well as a detailed docume...
Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de un comando de alerta
En la Librería de Pandora FMS se encuentra la integración con Discord además de una detallada doc...
Configuration in Discord: creation of a connection link
A webhook must be created, which will be in charge of "listening and fishing" the alert messages ...
Configuration in Discord: creation of a server
To integrate Pandora FMS with Discord you need a server and a channel, in this case a text channe...
Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command
First you must install the Slack connector CLI, which you can download from the Pandora FMS libra...