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Active Directory

The Active Directory plugin configuration file is divided into blocks:User # User user = all u...

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez


Active Directory

El fichero de configuración del plugin Active Directory se divide en bloques:Usuario # User use...

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez


Active Directory

Active Directory monitoring plugin, collecting information from users and related services.

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

Active Directory

Developed to be used with Powershell v3.0 or higher

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Ejecución manual

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Podemos comprobar el plugin desde el terminal para ver si funciona, para comprobarlo, ejecutamos ...

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez


Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Ver. 25-08-2021Con este plug-in podremos ver los stats de una base de datos y de sus colecciones,...

Updated 3 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Google Chat integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> ...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de una acción de alerta

Integración con Google Chat

Las acciones de alerta permiten definir el cómo lanzar el comando. Vaya al menú Alerts -> Actions...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Google Chat integration

Open a terminal window and access the Pandora FMS server. Download (and unzip) from the Pandora F...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de un comando de alerta

Integración con Google Chat

Abra una ventana terminal y acceda al servidor Pandora FMS. Descargue (y descomprima) desde la li...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Google Chat settings: chat room

Google Chat integration

Once you have logged in and have been identified with your user credentials, go to the chat room ...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Discord integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> ...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de una acción de alerta

Integración con Discord

Las acciones de alerta permiten definir el cómo lanzar el comando. Vaya al menú Alerts -> Actions...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Discord integration

In the Pandora FMS Library you can find the integration with Discord as well as a detailed docume...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de un comando de alerta

Integración con Discord

En la Librería de Pandora FMS se encuentra la integración con Discord además de una detallada doc...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuration in Discord: creation of a connection link

Discord integration

A webhook must be created, which will be in charge of "listening and fishing" the alert messages ...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuration in Discord: creation of a server

Discord integration

To integrate Pandora FMS with Discord you need a server and a channel, in this case a text channe...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Slack integration

First you must install the Slack connector CLI, which you can download from the Pandora FMS libra...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Slack integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to the menu Alerts -> Actions...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina

Configuración en Pandora FMS: creación de un comando de alerta

Integración con Slack

Primero debe instalar el Slack connector CLI, el cual puede descargar de la librería de Pandora F...

Updated 3 years ago by alvaro.tejerina