Plugin to monitor VMWare, being able to get data from datacenters, datastores, exsi hosts, virtual machines and switches.
This document aims to describe the monitoring of datacenters, datastores, exsi hosts and virtu...
Compatibility matrix
Environments where it has been tested Version 6.5.0 Environments where it should work...
The plugin is a binary that contains the packaged dependencies so it is not necessary to install ...
Parameters and configuration
Parameters --generate_password To generate an encrypted password (if this password is to ...
Events monitoring
This functionality makes a copy of the events present in the VMware® vCenter to the Pandora FMS e...
Manual execution
Manual execution ./pandora_vmware <conf_path> Generate encrypted password ./pandora_vmwar...
This plugin can be integrated with Pandora FMS Discovery. To do so, you must load the ".disco" p...
Agents generated by the plugin
The execution of this plugin will create several agents, depending on the configuration that has ...