This plugin can be integrated with Pandora FMS Discovery.
To do so, you must load the ".disco" package that you can download from the Pandora FMS library:
Once loaded, VMware environments can be monitored by creating Discovery tasks from the Management > Discovery > Applications section.
The following minimum data will be requested for each task:
- V-Center IP: IP address of the V-Center to monitor.
- Datacenter name: Name of the datacenter to monitor in the indicated V-Center.
- Datacenter user: V-Center connection user.
- Password: Password of the indicated user.
- Encrypt passwords: If enabled, the indicated password will be encrypted for the executions, thus masking it.
- Tentacle IP: IP of the Tentacle server to which the agents' data will be sent. Normally this parameter will not be modified.
- Tentacle port: Tentacle server port to send the data to. Normally this parameter will not be modified.
- Tentacle extra options: Additional options for sending data through the Tentacle client. Normally this parameter will not be modified.
If the connection data provided is correct and the Pandora FMS server is able to connect, you will be able to see a tree with the ESX, datastores and VMs of the environment. In this tree you could, if you want, indicate specific agents to be monitored by the task. If you do not activate the exclusive agent monitoring, the task will by default scan the environment in each execution looking for new agents (this can be adjusted in the next configuration step).
- Monitor exclusive agents: If enabled, the task will monitor exclusively the elements of the selected tree, instead of performing the agent scan it would normally do. This option takes precedence over the scanning options in subsequent steps.
It is also possible to adjust the task configuration to customize the desired monitoring:
- Max threads: To optimize the execution time, multiple threads can be configured to monitor the task agents. Keep in mind that configuring multiple threads may increase the CPU usage of the task.
- Re-scan interval: Search interval for new agents in the VMware environment. This parameter only takes effect if agent-only monitoring is disabled. It should not be confused with the task execution interval.
- Retry send: When enabled, the sending of XML files by Tentacle is reattempted in case of failure.
- Event mode: When it is activated, the V-Center event monitoring is performed. This makes the VMware events to be shown in the Pandora FMS event console, entering in its normal operation flow. It is necessary to configure the console API in the server configuration file for this mode to work.
- Virtual network monitoring:When it is activated, agents will be generated for the virtual switches of the VMware environment.
- Scan datastores: When enabled, agents will be generated for each datastore found in the environment. This parameter only has effect if the exclusive monitoring of agents is disabled.
- Scan datacenters: When enabled, an agent will be generated for the datacenter indicated in the task.
- Scan ESXs: When enabled, agents will be generated for each ESX found in the environment. This parameter only has effect if the exclusive monitoring of agents is disabled.
- Scan VMs: When enabled, agents will be generated for each VM found in the environment. This parameter only has effect if the exclusive monitoring of agents is disabled.
- Extra settings: Optional additional configuration block. Here you can include all the plugin configuration parameters you want, such as the Rename block.
Tasks that are successfully completed will have an execution summary with the following information:
- Datacenter: Name of the datacenter monitored in the execution.
- ESXs: Number of ESXs monitored by the task.
- Datastores: Number of datastores monitored by the task.
- Vms: Number of VMs monitored by the task.
Tasks that are not completed successfully will have an execution summary recording the errors that occurred.