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2200 total results found

Slack configuration: permissions and credentials

Slack integration

In the Basic Information option you will be able to access the application credentials (App Credentials), which you should never share, in any case. In the same way, access to OAuth & Permissions to copy the authorization token that you will place in Pandora F...

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Slack integration

First you must install the Slack connector CLI, which you can download from the Pandora FMS library. You must have the following utilities installed in the Pandora FMS server: python3 and python3-pip. With this last command you should install the Slack connect...

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Slack integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to the menu Alerts -> Actions -> Create. Select in Command the alert command created on the previous page, the fields will be filled in automatically. However, you can always customize the ...

Configuration in Discord: creation of a server

Discord integration

To integrate Pandora FMS with Discord you need a server and a channel, in this case a text channel. Although you can use a server that you already have, here it is explained the creation of one: in the left sidebar locate the Add server button and it will open...

Configuration in Discord: creation of a connection link

Discord integration

A webhook must be created, which will be in charge of "listening and fishing" the alert messages emitted by Pandora FMS through a connection link. To create a webhook you should edit the text channel that was created in the previous page: In the dialog box ...

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Discord integration

In the Pandora FMS Library you can find the integration with Discord as well as a detailed documentation in case you need more instructions. Essentially you must have python3 and pip3 installed to comply with the dependencies. Download and unzip the package an...

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Discord integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> Create. Select in Command the alert command created on the previous page, the fields will be filled in automatically. However, you can always customize the icon...

Google Chat settings: chat room

Google Chat integration

Once you have logged in and have been identified with your user credentials, go to the chat room (or add a new one) where the Pandora FMS alert messages will be published. Click on Manage webhooks: In the pop-up dialog box, name the webhook and, if desired,...

Pandora FMS configuration: creation of an alert command

Google Chat integration

Open a terminal window and access the Pandora FMS server. Download (and unzip) from the Pandora FMS library the Google Chat connector CLI in the following path: /usr/share/pandora_server/util/pandora-gchat Or in a location that Pandora FMS server can access....

Pandora FMS configuration: creating an alert action

Google Chat integration

The alert actions allow you to define how to launch the command. Go to menu Alerts -> Actions -> Create. Select in Command the alert command created on the previous page, the fields will be filled in automatically. However, you can always customize the icon...


Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Ver. 25-08-2021Con este plug-in podremos ver los stats de una base de datos y de sus colecciones, soporta compatibilidad con Mongo DB atlas Tipo: Plug-in de servidor o agente

Matriz de compatibilidad

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Sistemas donde se ha probado CentOS 7, Fedora Sistemas donde debería funcionar Cualquier sistema linux   

Pre requisitos

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Se requiere: Una base de datos Mongo DB o Mongo DB atlas Tener el Data Server de Pandora FMS habilitado Tener el Plugin Server de Pandora FMS habilitado


Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Para el uso del plugin será necesario tener instalado una serie de dependencias. Lo primero es tener instalado python 3 yum install python3 El plugin viene con un archivo llamado requirements.txt que instalará las otras dependencias necesarias. Para ejecuta...

Parámetros generales del plugin

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

  ./pandora_mongodb -u <uri> -d <databases -s <server> -a <alldatabases> -p <prefix> -c <collectionstats> [ -g <group> ] [ --data_dir <data dir> ] [ --as_agent_plugin 1]   Si la ejecución es correcta veremos un número entero, que sera el numero de base de d...

Parámetros específicos del plugin

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

El plug-in contiene los siguientes parámetros: Parameter Description -u <uri> --u <uri> La uri de conexión (obligatorio) -s <server> --server <server> Para activar los stats del server (cluster) -d <name_database> --databases <name_database> Para coger...

Ejecución manual

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Podemos comprobar el plugin desde el terminal para ver si funciona, para comprobarlo, ejecutamos el plugin: Con as_agent_plugin: Ejemplo de ejecución con ayuda:

Configuración en pandora

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Instalación desde consola Para el registro del plugin, desde la consola, se debe ir al apartado "registrar plugin". Daremos a seleccionar archivo. Seleccionaremos el fichero pspz2 que contiene el plugin. Una vez subido se podrá ver un mensaje indican...

Modulos generados

Mongo DB y Mongo DB atlas

Se nos creara un agente por cada database de nuestro cluster con datos de los stats de las databases y de las colecciones y otro agente con módulos con los datos del server. Módulos database Nombre módulo  collections views objects avgObjSi...


Active Directory

Active Directory monitoring plugin, collecting information from users and related services.