Zendesk plugin
Plugin to create tickets in zendesk with pandora.
Plugin to manage tickets in zendesk.
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7, Fedora Systems where it should work Any linux...
Pre requisites
Required: Enable API authentication * Python3 * Module requests * In the binary version of t...
You have to enable password access to the api in zendesk or token access. These options can be fo...
Parámetros Method -m get,post,put o delete host -i, --ip name zendesk site user -us name...
Create ticket
Parameters Method -m get,post,put o delete host -i, --ip name site zendesk user -us name...
Update ticket
Parameters Method -m get,post,put o delete host -i, --ip name site zendesk user -us name...
Delete ticket
A ticket will be deleted by searching for its id. Example with manual execution ./pandora_zende...