Unhandle error. Pandora db total number of locks exceeded
Hi everybody.
I installed pandora (Pandora FMS v3.1 – Build PC100608) yesterday in a Centos 5.5 from RPM (console) and from tgz (server) after many yum updates and cpan to install all the deps.
I configured just one 3.1 agent to see how the things goes. I saw only one issue (“Out of limits”) even with the server, db and agent sync with ntp. I planned to fix this today, but when I arrived at work this morning pandora was offline and I found the error below at pandora.error.log:
2010-08-05 07:04:58 hostname.my.domain [V1] [E] ‘hostname.my.domain’: DBD::mysql::db do failed: The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/PandoraFMS/DB.pm line 316.
I have this same error in my production pandora 3.0, and was hopping to fix this with the 3.1 version… Any ideas? Anyone know if this is a dependency issue or a Centos only problem?
obs: I did not upgrade. I installed 3.1 in a different server with a brand new database.
Thanks in advance.